27| Drugged

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Chapter 27| Drugged

Dylan's POV:

~6 days ago~

"What happened, boy? You look like hell," A voice said, laughing at me and multiple others joined the voice. I blinked rapidly, running a hand down my face to look at the amount of men. I looked at the...50? men. Oh wait no, that's just my eyes playing with me.

"H-How many of you arrrre there?" I slurred, cringing at my inability to form a perfect sentence. I am a Beta and I can't even form a sentence.

My Pack would be so disappointed with me.

'You were a Beta,' a voice in my head hissed at me. Oh yeah. 

Suddenly, the pain of being ripped away from my title hit me with full force. The pain was there before but the thought of Amelia had subsided it. I hadn't even grieved over losing my title, my family, my Pack, myself. I hadn't even grieved for anything. My thoughts were clouded with Amelia and her happiness. Amelia, and what she wanted. Not what I wanted.

How did I lose myself in the process?

"What happened?" A man asked, sitting down next to me. He looked particularly better than all the others with him, who all reeked of alcohol, except for him.

"Nothing," I replied, turning away from him. I looked at the glass in my hand, frowning at the empty glass. I turned to the bartender, motioning to my glass and with a nod, he filled it back up. He knew I was loaded with money since I had wrote him a cheque of I don't even remember how many thousands before he started serving.

My Pack would be so disappointed with me.

"Maybe I can help you," the man suggested, passing me a smile that looked genuine enough.

Maybe, I can open up? The first step to redemption is to open up, right? Maybe I can find comfort in a stranger I just met? He doesn't even know me, and I'm sure I won't see him after everything happens.

"My mate...left," I didn't want to sound so weak but forcing the words out of my throat was tiring.

"Ah, mates. Complicated situation, eh?" The man that first laughed at me asked and I looked at him, shocked.

"Werewolves?" I asked, feeling droopy but I forced my eyes to stay open and saw the men nodding their heads. 

"Why'd she leave, boy? You look rich, and pretty handsome if ye ask me," The man asked, and everyone surrounded me looked at me, intrigued.

"She said," I hiccuped, "That she wanted a hot, dominant Alpha male. Not some weak, meek Beta," I hissed the words with venom, glaring at nothing in particular.

"You're a Beta?" The man asked me and I weakly replied, "Was. Was stripped from title."

"News like this would have traveled fast. What's your mate's name?" 

"Um," Even if I was drunk, I don't think I should ruin my mate's reputation that she had worked so hard to build. "My name is Dylan."

"Ah," The men nodded again in recognition, most of them sipping their drink tentatively, "You're that Dylan. We've heard of your mate. Pretty famous now, ain't she? Didn't even care about a man who cared for her and left him behind like he was dog poop."

"Stop," I whimpered. The man was like a real life version of my thoughts which would always drag me down.

"Look at ya! You're drinking yourself to death. Your heart is yearning out for her. You're tormented by her face on the billboards, smiling perfectly at the streets below. You wish it was you who she'd smile at. You hear her sweet laugh in the interviews. You wish it was you who made her laugh," The man hissed, and I whimpered out loud, clutching my ears with both hands.

"You want her don't ya?!" He yelled at me, drawing my hands back and cupping my face so that my eyes focused on his. I did want her. I want all of her. I want to to be her everything. I want her to reciprocate my feeling that I have for her. I want her.

I nodded, which was hard to do so because the man had my face clasped in his hands in a death grip. I was sure my lips were puckered outwards.

"Come with me," The man motioned for me to come with him with a 'come hither' motion and I looked at him warily.

"Should we do that to him?" The man that smiled at me asked. "I don't think it's for the best."

The second man laughed loudly, "You do know how many men were able to get hold of their mates afterwards, right?"

The first man sighed but nodded. 

Shrugging, I stood up, the world being pulled from under my feet. A few people let out a 'woahh' and I was caught by someone.

"Right." I was hurled by two men who supported my weight, walking me outside and put me inside a black Prado where I lost consciousness.


"What the fuck, mate?!" 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'-" Before I could apologize some more, I hurled out the contents of my stomach again, this time making sure that my head was turned away from the men. Multiple of them groaned, most of them even face palmed. 

"That's my wife's favorite rug!" A man screamed out but I was too caught up in unloading all the alcohol out to care.

I was a mess, with my clothes wrinkled, a combination of snot, tears and vomit running down my face.

My Pack would be so disappointed with me.

"Take this," A man handed me a glass of water which I gulped in greedily. Letting out a sigh, I did not notice the remnants of the undissolved powder that laid at the bottom of the glass, nor the smirks of the many men that nodded at me.

A wave of power suddenly hit me with full force. It was like I was being controlled by something else...a force. But it wasn't a positive force, it was a negative one. It was like my mind grew another part, taking over my body and blocking me and my wolf out.

"What's happening?" I asked, clutching my head, trying to fight whatever was trying to take over. My knees gave out from underneath and I fell face first on the floor, thrashing wildly.

"MAKE IT STOP!" A scream left my lips when the pain got too much to bear. It felt like someone had drilled their way to my brain and were hammering my brain. No one helped me, they all just looked at me and went away from me to let me thrash around freely.

A while later, the pain stopped and I was pushed to the back of my mind.

"It's done," A voice called out which sounded like mine. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was mine.

"What about the Beta?" One of the men asked. Traitor!

"I can feel him weakening. He's going to be out in no time." I, or what controlled me, replied.

"Good. You know what you have to do," The man grinned and I grinned back.

"With pleasure."

That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


A/N: Hey y'all! I know I've been inactive for a while but I had exams and I didn't have enough time to update 😖

Thoughts on this chapter? Would this justify Dylan's actions? Raise your hand in the comments section if you already had a slight idea of what happened to him!

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