26: Calm Before the Storm

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Just pretend that Harry has long hair in the pic above lol
"Well? Did you get laid? Tell me everything!"

I'm ambushed by Daria as soon as I leave the bathroom, early the next morning, half asleep and wearing candy cane pajamas. Don't ask me why I didn't just use Harry's bathroom because I honestly couldn't tell you. It must be my hungover state of mind.

"Daria pleaseee, it's too early for this." I whine and give her puppy dog eyes, hoping that she'll drop the subject.

She completely ignores me. "Too early my ass! I live my best romance life through you so you better start giving me details, sister! Did Harry thoroughly ravage you or not?"

My cheeks heat up, thinking about the searing kiss Harry and I shared last night. Daria takes in my flushed cheeks and starts jumping up and down.

"Yes! The power of fashion, baby! Details, details, give me details!" She looks at me, her curly locks wild all over her head and her dark brown eyes shining in anticipation. She looks likes a little kid on Christmas morning and I can't help but want to tell her.

So I do.

I keep the details a bit more rated PG, even though she's literally Louis jr, but she doesn't notice.

When I'm done, she hugs me tight. "That's awesome Ellie! Next time, I'll definitely get you laid!"

I pull away from her, shaking my head. "Okay, yeah, this conversation is definitely over. See ya, D!" And before she can stop me I dissappear back into Harry's room, shutting the door firmly.

I take in the dark room, the only light being a sliver of sun peaking through the curtains. My eyes travel and land on Harry's sleeping figure on the floor. I frown, taking in his body. His back must be hurting since he's sleeping on the floor and it must be cold down there.

Getting an idea, I carefully approach him. I get down on the floor slowly and carefully lay next to him. I lay still for a minute, making sure he's still out, before I snuggle closer to him. Curling my body into a fetal position, I'm almost touching him.

I look at his sleeping face and think, how could anyone be this good looking while unconscious?

Eventually my pondering halts and sleepiness returns to me. I fully relax next to Harry's still form, my eyelids drooping before eventually closing.

It's hot. Why the hell am I so hot?

My eyes flutter open slowly, trying to adjust. Huh, I must have fallen asleep again. Well, I guess I better get up and get ready for the day.

I go to move and something tightens around me.

What the fuck?

I turn my head to see a curly head buried in my neck. I then look down at my body and see Harry's body completely covering my own, arms tight around me, and his dead weight is kind of squishing me.

Well... no wonder it's so hot.

How did we end up like this? When I laid down, I was barley touching him. Is this okay? I mean we just kissed last night, is this moving too fast?

Even though these thoughts race through my mind, I can't help the grin that blooms across my face. The big scary bad boy is cuddling with me.

Well, if you could call this cuddling. Maybe smothering would be the correct description.

I contemplate whether or not I should get up, and my growling stomach decides for me. Looking down at Harry's limp form again, I know that there is no way that I can physically move his body off of me.

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