40: Birthday In Flames

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*Pic up top is the person I imagine to be as Daria (yes I changed it). Their descriptions match and they look around the same age. Her name is Francine and her ig is: @darlyning! Don't sue me, fran, I think you're cool af lol. Enjoy!

As soon as the jet lands, Harry kisses me and takes off, leaving me with Liam. The drive home is tense and all I can think about is the sudden situation. Harry didn't give me much details, but I know that the Pythons' warehouses are being burnt to the ground as we speak. I didn't even know they had more than one warehouse. But I guess there's a lot of things I don't know.

During the entire plane ride home, Harry was on the phone screaming and yelling. At who, I don't know but I wouldn't want to be them. The only reason I know about the warehouses is because I heard tidbits of his conversation. I wasn't trying to easedrop, I just happened to overhear it. But he did say one name that made my skin pale and my heart rate spike up.

The Demons.

I had assumed that when we killed Theo, his people would fall apart without him. I guess I was wrong because here we fucking go again.

I wanted to ask Harry about it, desperately, but I figured he would tell me when he actually got there and had all of the facts.

Liam tries to make small talk with me, in the car, to keep my mind off of it, but it doesn't really work. I can't help but to be worried. Anxiety is clawing at my throat, making me feel sick.

I thought it was over, but it isn't.

When we finally reach the house, I head straight up to our room and change out of this beautiful Gucci dress. I could've changed on the plane, but I was too worried to even do that. My mind drifts back to the dance we shared in New York, and everything that was said. It all felt extremely intense, like something was going to happen, but I just don't know what.

I take a quick shower and dress in black sweatpants and a black crop top. I decide to stay barefoot and I put my long hair into a high ponytail.
Not sure what to do with myself, I sit down and stare at the phone that Harry bought me, waiting for him to call with an update. While I wait, I absentmindedly look around the room.

My eyes fall onto a calendar that's hanging above the oak wood dresser. "January 30... hm." My eyes suddenly bug out of my head when it registers what I just said. "January 30?!"

Springing up, I run over to the calendar to make sure that I'm not getting my days mixed up. When I see that it is indeed January 30, I begin to freak out.

Running like a madwoman, I slam my door open. "Liam! Daria!" My voice sounds frantic and strained, but that's exactly how I feel right now.

Suddenly, doors begin to slam and heavy footsteps are racing upstairs, towards me.

"Did you get shot again?! Don't worry, I'll fuck them up!" Daria comes into view, her black curly hair wild all over her head, with a big ass gun in her hand as she waves it around frantically. My mouth drops open at the scene."Daria! I'm not-" I'm cut off by Liam arriving at the top of the stairs, just behind her. Daria panics and aims to shoot at Liam, but he pushed her hand at the last minute, making the shot go through the roof.

We all stand there in shocked silence, as small ceiling pieces rain down on Liam and Daria's heads.

"Guys, I'm fine! Holy shit, I'm not in danger or anything. D, why do you have a freaking gun?!" My words start of quiet, but as I look at Daria's big round eyes as she's standing there in Tom and Jerry pajamas, holding what looks like a damn glock, I get angry.

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