Episode 1: Training Trouble

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Nick Fury (Director of SHIELD) was right in front of them, giving the Next Avengers an orientation speech.

Azari raised his hand. "Quick question," he asked, "where's the equipment?"

"This isn't your typical gym class," Nick Fury pulled out a controller. "But there is a placement test."

Barton raised his hand.

Fury sighed. "Yes?"

"Quick question," Barton cleared his throat. "If this is training for heroes, then what's he doing here?" He pointed not discreetly at Pym.

"Hey!" Pym cried, indignant.

"Seriously!" Barton waved his arms around. "He's only eight."

"I'm thirteen!"

Barton shrugged. "Well, you're small for your age."

"Enough," Fury pressed a button on the controller. A massive amount of drones poured out from the ceiling and machine guns rose from the ground.

"Welcome to SHIELD," he smiled. "Hope you survive the experience."

"Hey, Barton?" James readied his shield.

Barton notched an arrow. "Yeah?"

"I forgive you."

Barton aimed his arrow. "Okay."


Barton was the first to react. "Everyone, scatter!"

Surprisingly, everyone listened. But after that ... shit just went sideways.

Everyone was fighting for their own. Torunn was carving through the bots, leaving sparking shreds. Azari jumped about, zapping and blasting bots. Pym was flying around, aiming for the joints and weak parts, causing the bots to implode. Barton shot explosive arrows at the training bots, causing a chain reaction from just one explosion. James threw his shield, causing it to ricochet off the droids and return, leaving a trail of explosions and scrap metal.

But it was a losing battle. For every bot they destroyed, twenty more filled its place.

"Uh, guys?" Pym flew up. "I don't think we're getting anywhere."

Barton scoffed. "Oh, really?" He launched another arrow. "I thought we were doing pretty well. In fact, I was gonna ask Fury to up the level."

Beep! Beep! "Permission granted," the computer spoke overhead. "Upgrading level difficulty."

"WHAT?!" Barton gapped. "N-no! Wait! I-I was just being sarcastic!"

James scoffed. "And how's that working out?"

The droids deactivated, flying back into the open slots. Instead, a part of the floor opened up and a panel rose, revealing a battalion of battle bots. It was like the walkers from Star Wars, complete with fire blasters.

James rolled his eyes. "Here we go again."

They did the reasonable thing: Run around like maniacs. Good news: The bots were too slow get them.

Bad news: They each were fighting for themselves, again.

Azari was dodging their attacks, but he couldn't get a clear hit. Torunn could cut them down, if only they weren't made of vibranium alloy, rendering her sword useless. Pym was buzzing about, firing hopelessly at the joints and exposed parts.

Even Barton and James were struggling, mostly because they spent more time snapping at each other than beating the bots.

James got thrown to the ground, skidding to a halt at Barton's feet. He groaned. "Guys, we're getting nowhere!"

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