Back home again.

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Konohagakure, still standing tall and beautiful. The strongest hidden village in all the five elemental nations and my home. It's been a year since I've been home but it still feels like yesterday that I woke up in my broken apartment to then head towards training ground number seven to meet with Sakura-chan and Kakashi-sensei. There are so many nostalgic memories that brought tear to my eyes, but instead of keeping them at bay like I usually do I let them flow. I never was a very good actress and this will help me out with my cover.

"Welcome to Konohagakure, may I bother you with your name and identification please?" as soon as I passed the gate I was greeted with Izumo and Kotetsu.

Suddenly my mind was assaulted by foreign memories. Memories of Yue, of when Izumo, Iruka-sensei and Kotetsu used to babysit her while she was a kid and they simply genin. I thanked Kaguya for keeping Iruka-sensei in my life, it seems that in this life he also plays a similar role as when I was Naruto.

"Yue?!" Kotetsu exclaimed, rushing to my side and enveloping me into a tight hug "Goodness girl, what happened to you? Where are your parents?"

"They... they are dead!" I lied through my teeth, but luckily they didn't notice. Kotetsu tightened his hug and Izumo joined. I cried against his chest with all my might, mourning but not my false parents but all of those I lost during the Fourth Shinob War.

"Yue, darling, have you calmed down yet?" Izumo asked me gently, patting my head carefully "Come, sit down" he guided me to his seat and laid me there gently "Can you please tell us what happened?"

"Orochimaru happened..." I sobbed, congratulating me on a good acting- I could go pro!

Izumo and Kotetsu looked at each other grimly, starting to shale slightly. It warmed me knowing how much they cared about me, that they would worry to the extent of shivering.

"Yue, do you think you are up to talking with the Hokage?" Izumo asked, trying to smile in reassurance but failing gravely because of how worried he was.

"W-wi-will you three be there for me?" I stuttered, they didn't even have to ask who was the third one before calling out for substitutes and have a shinobi fetch Iruka-sensei.

They carried me all the way to the Hokage tower, I did not let go of Izumo for a damn second until I saw Iruka-sensei rush towards us. I then jumped towards him and held him as tight as I could, before crying all over again.

"My child, do you think you are up to tell us what happened to you" Jiji finally spoke, softly and gently as a grandfather- eyes shining with guilt and worry. Jiji always hated not being capable of protecting his people, specially when it was by the hand of hi favorite student.

"From where do I start?" I asked, finally on the ground but not letting go from Iruka-sensei and Izumi's hand, Kotetsu at my back with a hand placed on my head- I felt protected and comforted.

"Why don't we start from why the start? Why did your parents and you leave Konoha?" he inquired.

"My parents are... were herbalists. They sold medicinal herbs and ointments at their shop at the market, they even had permission to tend to civilians as the hospital doesn't have many doctors. They tended from scratches, to sprains, to headaches, simply daily things. I was being trained by them to take over the shop in the future, so when the opportunity to study herbs in the wild and not at the shop came out, I jumped at the opportunity. We left to recollect special herbs and discuss some business with associates that do not pass through Konoha... b-but on the way we were attacked" I stuttered, biting my lower lip.

"By Orochimaru?" Jiji asked, as if he needed to make sure it wasn't someone else.

"That's what he called himself, and there were a lot of purple and white snakes. If I am not wrong they are his animal contract" I replied

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