Voting contest!

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Hi everyone! Kurenohikari here!

On the last chapter dancibayo commented asking about a couple for Itachi, something that had not occurred to me yet. The thing is that I always pair him with Naruto or Kisame, but Naruto is taken and Kisame dead. So, I asked dancibayo for suggestions and they provided me with two rare pairings that I simply adore but cannot choose between. That's why I am leaving it you guys! I will leave the voting open for a week starting from the twenty-fifth onwards. The pairing with more votes stays!

First pairing: Itachi x Shikamaru. Both geniuses that would perfectly understand each other and stand on the same intelectual ground.

Second pairing: Itachi x Gaara. Both had their childhoods taken away from them by their village's greed, who better to understand their pain than the other.

Who do you like better? Please comment!


PS: Thanks for the help dancibayo.

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