The Final Battle

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No one's P.O.V:

After Yue shared the news Team 7 worked in automatic, they trained, protected Tazuna and his family, Yue had a long and thorough talk with Inari... however, they also had every single summon at hand scouting the area. This was Madara and they were taking no chances.

Why was he here? What was he planning? They did not know? And that's what scared them the most. Things have changed so much already and they have been capable of facing those changes, but will they be able to win against their biggest enemy? Against Madara?

Those thoughts kept Yue awake at night.

"You need to calm down, Dobe" Sasuke comforted her, wrapping an arm around her as they sat at the porche "Remember that the Madara we faced is not the Madara we will meet. He was not resurrected or possess the Beast of Ten Tails with him."

"Why did he come out now? For a year I looked for him everywhere and found nothing, and now out of the blue he decides to came to me. There's something not right here" Yue mumbled into his chest.

"It is not out of the blue, you might have deceived everyone but he knows you were the one who killed his allies, who killed his puppet Tobi. He stayed in the shadows bidding his time, but you only made it worse bringing prosperity to the Leaf and creating an alliance between all the nations. He must have gotten desperate or simply waited for you to leave Konoha to attack you."

"Maybe" Yue replied, not that convinced.

Though it did not matter what any of them thought, they would find out the truth tomorrow.

"Did it happen already?" Hinata asked Yue, as she watched Tazuna work on the bridge.

"Yes, my clone fought off the tugs and beat them. Inari convinced the people to fight back and protect the village while the bridge is getting finished" Yue answered "I left my clone there just in case."

"Good" the Hyuga replied, kunai in hand.

They all tensed.

They sensed him coming.

Madara was there.

'It's time Kit' Kurama growled, his chakra cloaking Yue- good thing Anko confused it with Yue's kekkei genkai.

'Let's finish this!' Yue growled back.

Before any of them could do anything Madara moved faster than lightning and attacked everyone on the bridge, knocking Anko-sensei and Tazuna out. Luckily Yue had picked up her father's Flying Thunder God Technique, she was still far away from being as fast as her dad but it was enough to avoid the attack from Madara.

After getting away, she rapidly activated the sealing trap she had hid on the bridge, she knew it wouldn't work forever but it will give her enough time to heal her team and get Anko and Tazuna to safety. So, once Madara was trapped away she used a portable healing seal on her teammates and transported her sensei and Tazuna away from the battlefield, using a shield seal to keep them protected just in case of an attack.

When she got back to the bridge Hinata and Sasuke were locked on in a close combat with Madara. The bastard's Sharingan was still superior and saw everything coming, but Yue knew her teammates and she knew what was coming. It was something not even Madara would have expected. Just as expected Hinata proceeded to use the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven Technique while Sasuke added the famous Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique of the Uchiha Clan; creating a a dome of fire that later formed a hurricane of fire that sent Madara flying to another trap of mine.

Without waiting a second I infused Kurama's chakra with mine and sent a Big Ball Rasenshuriken, the seal trapping the explosion inside so the bridge would not be harmed by the technique. We did not lower down our guard, we have seen the horrors this man had caused to know better. But we did take a breath... that was our mistake.

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