The Hyuga revolution.

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Neji's P.O.V:

When I came back to the compound from a mission with my team, I did not expect to be dragged by another branch member to the deepest parts of our quarters. I also did not expect most of the branch members to be there, making queues.

"What is going on?" I asked to Misaki, the older shinobi that had dragged me here.

"Lady Hinata had found out a way to break the bird cage seal!" he informed me, excitedly.

"She did?" I asked stunned. He nodded his head with a happy smile, before taking off his headband and showing me an unmarked forehead. My eyes widened, I reached to touch it gently, not believing my eyes "She kept her promise" I whispered, mostly to myself "Where is Hinata-sama?" I asked, restlessly- I needed to see her now.

"Right behind all these queues" he answered "She herself and some of the oldest ninjas are taking care of unsealing all of us. She demanded for us to get you as soon as you got back. Go ahead, she is waiting for you"

I didn't have to be told twice. I rapidly advanced to the other side of the room and found her there. As beautiful as ever, eyes frowning in deep concentration. Her hair was a bit longer now, good she looks even better now- if that was even better. What had my eyes almost bulging was her new outfit, she looked like a complete different Hinata. It suited her new confidence and determination, but it also worried me that she was changing too much and the real Hinata was being lost.

The kid she was unsealing suddenly cried in pain (it seems to be a common feeling when you are being unmarked), as soon as the seal left her forehead Hinata had the girl in her arms trying to calm her down. Hinata's hand suddenly started glowing green as she placed it on the girl's forehead to take the pain away. At first I was surprised since when does she know healing techniques but then I smiled, Hinata-sama was still the same kind and gentle girl I always lo-liked.

My smile left my face as soon as I saw that Uchiha brat behind her, he is always there these days. He has always been a loner and now he is following Hinata-sama like a puppy. Who does he believe he is?! Before I could snap at that boy for being so close to my lady, that silver haired girl appeared next to them and hugged the Uchiha brat close. He growled in protest but his body language showed how much he doesn't mind it, contrary he likes it. I calmed down noticing that the one Uchiha was following was not Hinata-sama but her friend.

Good. I thought. He is not good enough for my lady... my lady? Since when do I see her as my lady? More importantly, as mine?

Before I could think more about it, Hinata-sama called me out: "Neji-niisan! You're already here! Come, let's get that seal off of you" I could only complain and kneel before her "Be aware that this might hurt"

"I can handle it Lady Hinata" I assured her before taking my headband off. I tried my best not to wince as my seal left my forehead, but it really did hurt. A free future was everything that kept me from breaking. Hinata-sama smiled at me once the pain stopped and put a mirror in front of me. I gasped once I saw my reflection "Freedom... I am finally free"

"A white owl like you deserves to soar the night skies, not to be chained to the ground" the silver haired girl commented with a kind smile.

"Yue-chan is right!" Hinata-sama exclaimed, before getting suddenly shy "N-Neji-niisan would you mind staying with me as I continue unsealing the other branch members?"

"It would be my honor" I answered honestly, her beaming expression was worth everything "Neji Hyuga" I presented myself, as I got into my place behind Hinata and next the silver haired girl.

"Yue Kagura" the girl said with a smile.

"Hn" the Uchiha boy grunted, before groaning in pain by the elbow shoving he received from the girl "Sasuke Uchiha, happy woman?!" he glared to Yue, but even I could see that there was no heat behind it.

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