Welcome back nii-san

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Itachi was nervous. It has been a while since he has felt like that. And he has only felt this nervous when he met his baby brother for the first time.

He was going back to Konoha. To the place he never thought he would return to, and if he did he would be considered their enemy number one and hunted down like an animal.

The place he had given his all to and expected nothing in return, but to have their backs turn on him.

Yet here he was. Konoha's number one enemy, the future Godaime Hokage. He was being welcomed back as a hero... not that he truly deserved that title.

He had killed his entire clan. He cared not for what that lying Senju Princess was making people believe. He was a kinslayer but until he gets to her he can't do anything. He would have stopped the farce long ago, but once he found out that the girl had rigged her clutched into his little brother things got serious.

At the beginning he did not care much about what she did. She was clearly a spy from Amegakure and as much as Itachi hated to admit it, the Amekage's objective of peace it was equivalent to his. But once they got his beloved ototo involved, all bets were off.


"Hey Itachi" he heard a soft voice greet him as he entered his tent. He rapidly got in guard, while part of his head questioned why none of the guards sensed her getting in "I'm a sensei, we sense people and can pass unnoticed as well. I know you have many questions and doubts, will you believe me if I told you they will get answered if you touch my hand?"

Itchy looked into those deep blue eyes and as much as he hated her and mistrust her as he had set his mind to; he knew he could trust her. That was a girl who wore her heart on her sleeve. Someone you could see who she is through her eyes. So, Itachi took a shuriken as he took a step closer to the silver haired girl and grabbed her hand.

It all suddenly came back, all the memories of his previous life. His death, his brother's betrayal to Konoha... the war...

"You truly never cease to amaze me, do you Na- Yue?" Itachi smiled softly at the girl he once knew as a boy, and loved almost as a brother "Thank you for the update" he added, meaning the information about all the plans she has been doing lately "Why me? Why not Kakashi? Or Jiraiya? Why..."

"Why not Sasuke?" she cut him off "Because the less people who know the better. I needed Nagato's complete help and support for the plan to work... and I knew I could never fool the genius Uchiha."

"You are planning on keeping this a secret from Sasuke?" Itchy inquired.

Yue's expression turn unreadable. It was still a decision she has not made. The last thing she needed is Kurama and Itachi fighting over who was right and what should she do. You was saved a ninja coming into the tent. She was out of there before anyone noticed.

-Konoha, three days later-

"Are you nervous?" the homage asked the Uchiha, as they stood before the gates of their village.

"You've got no idea" Itachi joked, taking many by surprise. He has been stiff since day one. However, now that he had his memories his guilt has lessened and learned to relax himself "Let's get going. I have a brother to see again."

"Lets' go" Sarutobi murmured pleased that things were finally falling into place.

Ame, Kiri, Suna and Konoha finally formed an alliance. Suna no longer resented Konoha so much and their economy was finally stabilized. Akatsuki has finally been disbanded... if the members were not already dead. Root is gone and anyone who had betrayed Konoha is dead.

However, this peace was not earned so easily. The Hokage had lost his three oldest friends, and Naruto was dead, He had failed Minato from day one. He had blindly believed on his village... and where did that get him?

Stabbed in the back by his so called friends. A child being abused and then killed by an entire village for something he could have not controlled. All the while that poor boy had no idea why everyone hated him. Another thing he had failed him at. Sarutobi had wanted to protect him from the weight of the truth, to make sure the next generation would accept Naruto without any prejudice... but their parents' influence had been too much. And he has left Naruto alone and confused. He has lead sweet Naruto to his death.

The noise of a crowd cheering snapped him out of his dark thoughts. The Hokage then noticed the whole village making way for their party, cheering from the top of their lungs.

How much more hypocrite they can get? Sarutobi thought annoyed. They wish for an innocent boy's death, cheer for when that happens and then make a monument on his honor- blaming someone else for their actions! Then they receive the boy they had cursed with all their might in multitudes, cheering happily to have him as their Fifth Hokage.

Itachi noticed Sarutobi getting more and more reclusive and decided to have a chat with him once all the needed procedures were done.

After the welcome back speech, both of them were found at the Hokage's office. Not even Sarutobi's guards were there hiding in the shadows.

"I'm passing down the hat in six months" the Hokage told the surprised Uchiha "You've been in a mission for years, you need to rest and reconnect with your brother. I'll use these months to make sure everything is running smoothly for when you take over my position."

"Thank you" replied Itachi, he then tackled the ignored topic "You know I don't blame the village, right?" Sarutobi looked at Itachi, clearly startled "I know you are blaming yourself and them for what happened to Uzumaki-san. But we are in no right to blame them. Yes, they still should have not attacked an innocent boy... but how could they've known he was innocent? We never taught them about seals and how the Yondaime's was a masterpiece. They are ignorant people. I don't hate them or resent them, I pity them."

By the end of the speech, Sarutobi looked at the young boy in front of him with an expression of shock. But he was pleased as well. This boy... no, this man was the perfect choice for Hokage.

"You are right" Sarutobi replied "Go to the Uchiha district, Sasuke is waiting for you there."

Itchy only nodded and step flashed away. Once he got to his clan's district je was met with a pleasing surprise. The gates that divided his clan's district from the rest of the village were down. Every building had been repaired and flowers bloomed in every garden. There even was a hotel, restaurant, bar and medicine shop ready to open at any moment.

Itachi took his time as he walked towards the main house, taking everything in. Surely, it had been Yue's influence who had inspired Sasuke to do all of this. When he reached his old house he found his ototo waiting of him at the door. His arms crossed ove this chest and he had a glare on place. Itachi could also feel two familiar chakra signals coming from inside: Yue and the Hyuga girl. Which would explain why there were somany Hyuga guards around the Uchiha district.

Surely, to make sure I don't hurt their precious Head.Itchy thought amused.

"Nii-San" Sasuke finally greeted him "I have a preposition" Itachi looked at him interested, if a little bit amused "Once you become Hokage make sure Yue, Hinata and I stay together. At least, as a genin team. We will later fill the forms to make us a permanent team. Dividing us will only be stupid, we are an excellent team who knows how to work together."

"You are blackmailing me into getting what you want, so I can be forgiven?" Itachi inquired amused "You are finally acting like a ninja. I am so proud of you" Sasuke blushed slightly ate the praise "Think of it as done."

"Then... welcome back nii-san" Sasuke said, with a rare smile on his face.

"I'm home Sasuke" Itachi replied, wrapping his arms around his little brother.

He was finally in peace.

He was home.

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