Explanations and training

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Kurama's P.O.V:

The Gaki was spiraling.

Her conversation with Itachi worked as a trigger and now she's depressed. You can't spend your whole childhood being the piranha of your Village and go through a war without some consequences. She's been barely eating, she has not showered and she even put up the shield of the mansion so no one else could sense her presence inside and if they did they could not enter without her permission.

The Gaki is a baka. But she is my baka and I worry for my baka Gaki. As the weeks pass she gets better but that not enough, not even the Human Raccoon was of help. If only that Octopus was answering my calls.

As if being summoned I felt my subconscious being pulled into the plane alongside the rest of the Jinchurikis and Tail Beasts. All eyes fell on us, I could clearly see how worried they were for my Kit but soon their gazes turned to the Octopus and his... female Jinchuriki?!

'B you are a woman?!' Gaki shouted eyes bulging, I believe the shock was enough to snap her out of her depression- at least for the moment.

'Look who is talking!' the Human Octopus replied.

'So, that's why you've been hiding?' the Human Raccoon thought out loud 'I can sense another's chakra inside of you, though it's faint. You have a child recently, you couldn't enter the plane while you were pregnant.'

'You did?! Congratulations!' Gaki exclaimed, eyes shinning with happiness.

Soon the Human Octopus was showered with praises and congratulations.

'Who is the father?' the Human Monkey asked, silence reigned in the plane.

'A' the Human Octopus answered, everyone's jaws dropped.

'Your brother's?!' Gaki shouted, falling on the floor from how hard she was laughing.

'Husband! And we were never related by blood!' the Human Octopus shouted back 'Do you know how hard it is to have two set of memories so different?'

But Gaki was not listening, no one really was, too busy laughing at the irony of destiny. It did not matter, it brought back my Kit's smile so the Human Octopus' humiliation was more than worth it.

Sasuke's P.O.V:

It took a couple of weeks for Nii-san and I to get used to a sense of familiarity, I might have forgiven him having lied to me all these years but years of lies don't get erased over night. Especially, while living in a house filled with ghosts. But little by little we got closer. I asked him about what made him felt he had no one to turn to back then, what was it to be so many years undercover in Akatsuki... if he ever thought about me.

His answers warmed my heart and only made me admire my older brother even more, it also made me wonder how he did not go insane after so much stress. There's no one stronger than my brother, that's for sure.

As for my team.

Hyuga, finally stabilized her clan... or at least, she made stabilized it enough to take some time off to train with us again.

Yue... she's been off the grids. I don't know what happened, but one day she was there and the next she was gone. If it had not been for Nii-san telling me she's fine I would have gone insane looking out for her. Itachi said that she was dealing with post traumatic stress. That we should not forget that she had been held captive for almost a year a few months ago. And that while she might have seemed alright, she was not.

I hated it. I hated myself for not noticing. How many of her smiles were fake? How much did she hide from us? From me?

"Have you heard of Yue?" Hyuga asked worriedly, as she threw some shuriken.

"My brother told me not to worry that she will come back the day our training sessions restart" I replied, practicing my katas.

"And he was right" a third voice added.

We both froze in place, before slowly turning to look at her: Yue. She looked the same, pale skin, long silver hair, baby blue eyes and a bright smile on her face. She looked just as always: beautiful as the blue sky.

"Stop that" her eyes tightened slightly, her shoulders tensing "I don't want any pity or worry, got it? I am no victim. I am a ninja, a survivor. I did not fake anything in front of you guys, so don't feel guilty. I have good days and have bad days... something triggered me a couple of weeks back and I had a lot of bad days. That's why I stayed at the Namizake Mansion receiving no visits" she explained "Sorry for worrying you."

"Don't even mention it" Hinata told her, before hugging the day light out of her.

"Sasuke?" Yue asked, looking at me carefully.

I hated it when she looked at me like that.

"Next time you tell me, ok?" I warned her, before stepping closer and joining the hug "Now, let's get back to business" I announced breaking off the moment "We are way behind our training schedule and we have to catch up, and do it fast."

"Yes, sir yes!" both Yue and Hinata joked together, eyes twinkling in amusement, but soon started to train.

I sighed looking at my team, then at my house where my big brother was, and could finally say with confidence that I was content.  

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