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lily wakes up, screaming, she raised up her hands and her powers accidentally gets unleashed to the ceiling, now coated with a layer of ice. she grabbed a pillow, storming out.

she uses her telepathic abilities to find where tony stark is. once she reached the living room, pepper was watching a movie with tony. "hey pepper!" she smiles whilst throwing the pillow hardly at tony.

"ow! what was that for?" he groans in pain while pepper stares, amused. "you just had to buy steve a damn puppy for christmas didnt ya! i sleep beside his room and oh god the puppy can't stop yapping and yapping!" lily complains.

tony shrugs, "that man asked for one!" pepper retorts, "and i asked for you to be safe and you don't listen." he places his head on her shoulder, "sorry hun."

steve's puppy, lola was heard yapping again. "oh look she's back." lily falls to the beanbag, clearly defeated. but it was not steve coming in with. it was peter, smiling at lola and holding it very tightly in his arms.

"mr stark! look, i get to play with lola!" lily looks up to peter who held lola's little paws and gushed at the sight.

"lily! hold it!" she then froze as peter placed the puppy in her hands. tony and pepper glances at each other, chuckling. "now, will she impress him or turn him off?" pepper looks upon lily earnestly, curious of her next action.

"i hate being an avenger.." she mumbles as she took a deep breath, hugging lola tighter. without realising, peter's hands reaches out and ruffles lily's hair. they both froze and as though lola could read the situation, kept quiet.

pepper spat out her coffee, making those two come back to reality. tony reaches out for a cloth passing to her, "well that was all kinds of weird."

"peter!" he snaps, "maybe you meant to pet lola." tony laughs. peter licks his lips nervously, lily stares, expecting him to say something.

"thought you were a dog." her eyebrow's furrowed. she was displeased. vision phases out from the pillar, "caught all of that tea. wanda would be proud."

lily walks off, annoyed and confused. pepper persuaded tony to comfort peter who looked angry with himself.

- ♡ -

"heyyyyyyyyy" bruce comes out of the lab to a clearly frustrated lily. her tied up ponytail was falling apart, her dark circles were now more apparent.  she sighs, waving at him. "tony called me for help."

"well bruce banner, do i look like a dog!?" lily stares at his eyes intently. he gulps, "he told me what happened but you know peter. he just messed up, don't take it to heart."

"well its not everyday that your own crush calls you a dog?"

"now come on, he did not directly call you one!" vision phases out from the lab. "oh he did bruce, it is bad, i have receipts." lily gives vision a high five, "great choice of words."

"drink your sorrows away child." natasha tosses a Capri Sun towards lily while she holds a glass of wine, "not legal yet, sorry."

out of the blue, footsteps starts appearing. natasha turns to her, "quick! use your telepathic abilities and tell me who is coming here!"

"steve." she calmly says as she takes a sip of the drink.

natasha sweats profusely as the footsteps come nearer and nearer. "ugh damn it!" she flees.

"guys? have you seen natasha?" steve asks innocently.

"well maybe you can tell us why she just ran off when lily told her you were the one coming?" bruce takes off his glasses, analysing steve.

he brushes it away, "just need to talk to her."

"something is going on." bruce and lily says as steve walks on, finding for natasha.

she then smirks, "say vision, you would not have any receipts for whatever happened between them would you?"

sorry if lily's powers are dumb but i had too much fun writing them :')

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