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"we're back home..." lily trails off looking at the chaos in front of her. "...from school". peter stands beside her in complete shock as literally everyone from the avengers are busy fighting with one another.

out of the blue, "a little bit like civil war am i right young ones?" deadpool walks in with a bag of chips.

lily and peter stare at him all confused. "whats that?" he smacks his lips, "ah right! this is an alternate universe. not the legit mcu one."

peter's eyes widen, clearly alarmed. "WHAT?"

"aw peetie calm down sweetie. now i've got to get back to bothering the x-men. bye bye." he blows a kiss and skips off.

peter asks, "what the heck is a x-men?" lily raises her voice, "more importantly, what IS HAPPENING?" she tosses her bag to the side, blasting her powers to freeze the outgoing arrows from clint's bow. he doesn't seem bothered and continues aiming them at wanda who is good at dodging it all.

peter tries to intervene between natasha, sam and bucky. he uses his webs and takes away all of their weapons. it turns out to be useless as they take out guns and knives they hid in their suit.

all this while, bruce was just hiding under the table afraid to unleash the hulk. until vision lifts the table and throws a whole vase. lily notices, "vis stop! his big friend is coming out!"

vision looks at lily, "no it won't happen i calcu-" he got cut off as the hulk roars and throws him all the way to the other side.

peter climbed to the ceiling and turned on the intruder alarm he was always tasked to sound if there was any intruder. tony designed the sound to be too loud and a little painful for any human to hear. fortunately, it stopped everyone but the hulk merely carried on smashing.

tony gets out of his suit, runs to the lab to try to switch it off. natasha sees that bruce has changed and is trying to sing him the lullaby but the alarm is just not helping. lily tries to help by using her powers to calm him down.

the rest of the avengers just stood there aimlessly, looking at each other.

- ♡ -

"you guys are damn adults. yet look at the mess you created!" lily forces them to clearly look at the mess. crushed walls, cracked glasses and everything all at the wrong places.

"as the captain," peter cuts steve off. "sorry mr america but weren't you busy throwing your shield at ms wasp?" scott shouts, "I AM DISAPPOINTED IN YOU AMERICA!"

"..why does that hurt." steve mumbles.

"nat! care to fill us in?" lily speaks strictly. natasha stands up and grumbles. after, letting them know what had happen.

"so after hearing all that wouldn't you be on our side?" natasha asks. her side consists of her, wanda, hope, vision and scott.

"wait why was vision and scott on their side again?" steve asks. both scott and vision shift their eyes to both hope and wanda which made steve understand.

"i mean, i would obviously be on captain's side." his side consists of him, tony, bruce, clint, bucky & sam. "miss natasha, steve did have an important mission. that was why he did not turn up for the date."

lily crosses her arms, "men." scott and visions seems awkward. "except for you two cuties."

bruce enters the meeting room looking all groggy and wrapped with a blanket. "sorry for smashing everything guys. and, we are all needed for help, carol and the guardians contacted us. thor will join us after he settle things in Asgard."

steve claps, "suit up avengers. we'll continue this after." he looks towards natasha who brushes him off with an eye roll.

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❤ 1,942,005 likesRough day

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Rough day. Time to vent.

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I have noticed the concerns of our hero. He is doing great, just being a big crybaby. No worries, focus on me instead. Thank you hehe yeet!

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