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♥️ 947,068 likesget well soon 1i1y

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get well soon 1i1y

p.s she got injured thats all


1i1y thankuu boo
scutielang HOW DID I NOT KNOW? Antonio and I are on the way with a bunch of snacks, lets watch another ants documentary <3 1i1y
deadlynat alright WHO HURT MY BABY?username1 get well soon lily!!!
username2 hope you're getting better uwu

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"no more scott! no more please." lily groans. scott throws a tantrum, messing up her bed then stopping to throw a pout at her. "it doesn't work with me, you know that."she wishes she could just get out of the room now but it is hard to do so by herself as her ankle is injured. she calms down, closes her eyes and uses her ability. "yes!"


"oh no you did not!" scott covers her mouth, "antonio help me out here!" the poor ant just stares at them both, munching on a box of cereal. finally, peter enters her room. his eyes widen at the sight of a huge ant sitting like a human. he whispers, "can never get used to that."

he claps, "okay, get on my back!" lily kicks scott away and hops on his back then running out of the room. leaving scott alone squirming around in pain. "antonio, you stupid stupid ant!" the ant then stands up pours the cereal over him and leaves the room.

"... damn it." he mumbles.

the situation outside was hectic as well. as soon as wanda sees peter carrying lily on his back, being all lovey dovey she rages. "stop brushing it into my face that you guys are a lovely youthful couple while i am gonna die alone." pietro pats her back, "there, there i can set you up with a guy."

"the last time you said that, you set me up with one of your friends and everything they did reminded me of you. i do not want to date you." he jokingly clutches his chest, "words hurt wanda. and what is so bad about that? you can never get enough of me."she wiggles her fingertips a little and it makes him flinch. she then smirks, "loser."

wanda turns and screams. "wade! we talked about this, say hi like a normal person." he leans towards the wall, "yeah i'm not normal sweetie. remember baby legged wade?" she gags at the thought of it, "you're right."

"anyways why are you here? wait let me rephrase that, HOW DID YOU GET IN? bruce tried hard to keep you out of the tower."

"brucie bruce, no matter how hard i tell him not to bother, he still tries. i can be here whenever i want. well at least when the writer wants me to." he winks. she raises her left eyebrow, "sorry what?"

he changes the subject, "i'm here cause i brought you a date sweetie!" pietro starts laughing like a maniac. "who would want to date her?"

"one of your friends wanted to idiot."

"i paid them a hundred bucks, idiot." he sticks his tongue out. wanda places her hands on her hips, "yeah i should've seen that coming."

wade snaps, "come on in!"

as soon as wanda's date enters, pietro bursts into laughter yet again. the guy introduces himself, "name's cable." she crosses her arms waiting for his full name.

"oh! just cable." she shrugs, "okay wade, he ain't really my type and," she takes a second look at cable, "why does he oddly look like thanos if he was a human?" wade laughs awkwardly, "oh he is.."

she smacks her lips, approaching cable slowly, "hi? yeah i'm sorry i do not know what he said that made you want to come here, but i'm not interested."

he keeps a straight face, "you? i came here for the food." wade whispers into wanda's ears, "he weirdly has an obsession with doughnuts."

she gets nervous, "did you finish all of them?" pietro senses the danger coming and he speeds off.

cable still with a straight face, pats his tummy, "yeah, all in here." she sighs and pinches wade, "this was exactly why bruce never lets you in! we have a set of ground rules here and every damn time you bring someone else you never tell them this very basic rule."

he starts sweating, "you're scaring me sweetie... what rule?"

"never touch the hulk's doughnuts." he gasps as soon as she finishes the sentence. a roar surrounds the whole tower.

"yeah we're screwed."




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