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❤️ 1,043,147 likesjust thinking of how to kill all the happy couples on Earth

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just thinking of how to kill all the happy couples on Earth.


1i1y is this a dig at us...... spiderboii
spiderboii uhoh
username2 KNEW IT
starklicious L that you can't get any action Maximoff
caprogers Stark. Don't be mean.
scutielang genuinely scared of you plz leave hope and i ALONE.

read more


❤️ 2,584,921 likesoh look at this sexy photo 1i1y snapped of us during a mission

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oh look at this sexy photo 1i1y snapped of us during a mission


username3 oh you guys are so adorable!
shmuckyshmarnes Hey i was supposed to be his favourite 😩
deadlynat times change my friend. shmuckyshmarnes
samwilson god y'all r unreal this was what you were up to while i was trying not to get killed in the next rm?
caprogers Pipe down Sam. We saved you in the end. Send me this pic, love. ❤️
1i1y awww you guys.... my parents (real)
thornder I knew you and him would get in each other pants from the first time we met! (real too)
wanda.m if you get a notification from instagram saying your account got reported.... don't worry it was just me.

- ♡ -

"okay so i left some snacks in the fridge, do you guys need anything else?" bruce walks by the living area as he grabs his keys and walks to the door.

"nope we're good!" natasha smiles cheekily and waves then turns to steve, snuggling him. "uh actually can you grab some orange juice?" peter shyly speaks out, lily who was resting her head on his shoulder shoots up and screams "MILK TOO!"

sam comes out of nowhere raises his hands, "fruits as well please." bruce turns, "when did i become everyone's servant?" he then rolls his eyes and leaves. sam looks at the two lovey dovey couples snuggling right up at the couch, shook a little in disgust and promptly left. lily giggled, "that was valid. never saw this coming when i chose to be an avenger."

steve snickers, "alright so i'll pick the movie?" everyone else agrees and he looks through briefly on the tv screen, shuffling through a bunch of movies. "oo whats five feet apart about?" natasha pointed out.

"something that you guys need to learn of." wanda walks into the room. suddenly, everyone who was practically glued to their significant other immediately stood up straight at her presence. she groans, "i have something to tell you guys."

natasha slowly grazes over the knife stuffed inside the couch, "if it has anything to do with you being unhappy seeing us happy, i don't wanna hear it!" wanda slowly turns to her, her hands slowly raising. natasha then reaches for the knife.

"manipulating your minds would be fun but not today, let go of the knife nat." wanda smiles a little and natasha lets it go while breathing out a sigh of relief, "i was just....preparing."

"anyways. vis did something weird today." lily and peter immediately perk up, turning to wanda excitedly. "i wanted to come to you guys because i'm just very lost....."

steve raises his eyebrows, "about?"

"like vis literally came up to me and just said these three words." wanda leans her face on her hand. lily jumps up, crouches in frony of her. "WHAT DID HE SAY?!" wanda flinches a little at her actions. "he just said, "i was jealous.""

lily kept blinking her eyes fast due to confusion. peter mumbles, "definitely not the answer everyone wanted to hear." everyone in that room had a small smile on their face as they all knew what vision wanted to do. everyone except for wanda. natasha then nudges her, "okay....what do you think he was trying to say?"

"well. he literally just ended there and as i stared at him to speak up more he phased out of the door. tried chasing after him but he was too fast..." she then clasps her hands together and thinks, "so he is jealous. jealous about what? not like we have any sort of relationship!" she leans back to the couch.

lily gets up, "maybe. maybe he wants to form a special one with you." wanda lights up, "really?" peter then nods, "yeah mr vision was probably trying to tell you of how he felt but you know he doesn't have much experience and just needed some help."

steve then chimes in, "you can probably try to guide him through it. how do you feel about him?" her mind then wanders off, she always thought of vision as a caring one but never really noticed it could lead to something more. she stands up, "alright. i am gonna talk to him!"

lily goes to hug her, "yes yes! please tell me all about it after." wanda places a hand on her chest walk off and prepares of what to do.

natasha crosses her arms, "damn. we're pretty good. we can practically become therapists."

- ♡ -

few days later....


❤️ 1,958,274 likesthank you nat and lily for making me look so pretty today <3

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thank you nat and lily for making me look so pretty today <3

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guess whos back 😭😭😭😭 heres an update after 2ish years i am so sorry. honestly i love this story but just have no time to update regularly, i'm an young adult thats still learning the "adult" life so i have just too much on my plate rn but i will try every now and then, to make updates when i can.

thank you for the support its unreal, almost 100k reads aaaa

until mext time hopefully it won't take too long

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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