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❤ 965,123 likesTo spiderboii beware

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To spiderboii beware. Wise words from Parks & Recreation, "Don't be suspicious."


caprogers Great. Fury's gonna be pissed again. We had this talk Thor!
starklicious watching parks & rec? WITHOUT ME?
waadewilson just a call away boo. ❤ starklicious
p0tts Wade, stay away from my man.
spiderboii what did i do...

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rhodey smacks thor's head. "ow! what was that for?" he groans as he gets up from lying down in the backseat of the car. rhodey, thor and lily were on a stakeout and parked outside of aunt may's house. "what is this?" rhodey puts out his phone, with thor's latest post on the screen. "peter does not have to know we're stalking him!" lily stares at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"lily honey calm down," he takes a big gulp of water. "just a little warning because he decided to cheat on you." rhodey mumbles, "not even confirmed, just an assumption." lily glares at him and cold air started coming out of her hands. "i get on my warmachine suit and then we fight woman!"

"shh shh! idiots, peter's coming out." thor points to the entrance of the house. like he said, peter was getting out but he was in a rush, looking left and right making sure no one was there. "dumbass, he's clearly more suspicious now." thor laughs. lily puts her hand over his mouth, "wow i think loki can't hear your laugh all the  way in asgard." and puts a finger at her lips, "we need to be quiet."

lily snaps her fingers once. and snaps again. rhodey switches on the car engine while rolling his eyes. "where to next?"

"we follow."

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"where the heck is thor?" steve marches in the avengers' living room, with his hand on his hips. "on a mission, you keep forgetting. also you said a bad word." natasha smirks and plants a kiss on his cheek. "why? you need him for something?"

"posting our weapons online is not good. we are idolised by the young generation, we set an example they follow. we wouldn't want them sneaking around getting the same weapons. you know how crazy they get with our merchandise." steve announces. tony comes in, "alright old man here is worried, we'll have a little meeting after the surprise. come on everyone." he leads everyone to the basement.

it was nicely decorated, filled with FRIENDS themed balloons and  banners titled with famous quotes from the tv show. it was lily's favourite tv show. "damn, this was nicely done." sam comments as he plays around with the fairy lights. "like what teenage girls love saying, SKSKSKSKSK and i oop!" scott added on.

peter comes down the stairs hurriedly, "okay they followed me all the way here!" everyone quickly got behind the tables and decorations to hide themselves. he switches off the light, closes his eyes and uses his spider sense to note when she was gonna come.

as lily walks down the stairs with rhodey and thor, "why the heck did he come back here?" she was thinking very hard. only rhodey and thor, right beside her knew the answer. they slowly took out the party poppers they had hidden and popped it at the exact moment she reached the basement.

"what?!" she smiled in amazement as she looked around. everyone was there, smiling at her. she looked up at the banner, "welcome to the superheroes world! it sucks, you're gonna love it!" peter hopped out and offered her a rose, bruce comes towards her, "remember when we recruited you? you've been amazing this whole year, you're officially an avenger honey." she hugged him tightly, her eyes were tearing up.

"you had suspicions for nothing lily. thor and i knew long before." thor cuts in and puts his arm over rhodey, "unusual duo right? we had this ballot thingy and were both tasked to keep you distracted! it was hard, knowing you weren't easy to fool."

"you guys did great. thank you everyone, you guys are really the family i never had." steve smiles warmly at her words, "this old man demands a group hug! everyone get in!" groans could be heard but scott's cheers were louder as he got closer to steve.

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