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❤ 943,582 likesgrocery shopping with 1i1y <3 look shes clearly enjoying it so much

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grocery shopping with 1i1y <3 look shes clearly enjoying it so much


username1 uHM YALL CUTE CUTE
username2 omgomg are you dating
starklicious you kids are too cute
caprogers That is an impolite finger!
bbanner Hope you bought doughnuts for me and the Hulk ...
1i1y of course never forgetting again after that one time yikess bbanner
scutielang this reminded me to buy snacks for Ant-thony 😍😍

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"the details are in there?" natasha walks with wanda, entering the quinjet. she nods, "yeah, when you reach be sure to follow strictly to the mission schedule. i'm so sorry but i promised lily i'd babysit her little sister!"

natasha shrugs, "no worries, say hi for me."

"thank you!" wanda quickly skips off the quinjet. it starts to take off, "tony you're here?" steve's voice echoes throughout the quinjet. natasha runs to the pilot seat and sees steve switching to auto pilot. "LILY HAS NO SIBLINGS!"

"BUCKY CAN NEVER GET A GIRL!" he shouts. "there is not a date!" he covers his face with his two hands, feeling awkward. natasha just stands there tossing the mission file to the ground. his eyes dart to the file. "what do you think is in there when there is no mission?" he asks. natasha raises her eyebrows. she picks up the file and a credit card falls. "this is stark's company card." she says as she reads the little sticky note behind it.

"enjoy a little date and patch up lovebirds. all on me. -TS."

"quinjet changing destination." the AI of the quinjet alarms steve. "it isn't supposed to do this?"

"its tony and the rest. he is changing it from the tower itself. it is possible, he created this damn thing." natasha sighs.

"locked destination, Hawaii."

both of their eyes widen. "are they crazy?" natasha starts panicking and pressing every button to try to stop the quinjet from carrying on. "i. wanna. go. home!"

steve tries to calm her down, "nat. nat. calm down. NATASHA!"

they stare at each other in complete silence. without realising, natasha is now in a vulnerable position as steve was surrounding her, his broad arms blocking her from getting away.

"why are you not moving?" steve was puzzled. "nat, you're a master assasin, you'd give me a strong kick in my knees where i'm weak in so you'd get out. why are you not moving?"

"because i want you to kiss me." she wraps her arms around his waist. "i forgave you a long time ago. how can someone be so angry at someone they care most?" steve immediately puts his lips on hers. it was very passionate as both of them had been craving it for the longest time.

back at the avengers tower,

"okay! so safe to say everything's alright." lily claps and turns away from the monitor, "tony please switch it off right now."

"i wanna see our captain getting some action!" sam laughs as lily hits him in the arm.

"your plan actually worked. not bad." clint compliments tony.

"well if it wasn't for lily, i would not be able to perfect the plan."

"eh, pretty simple though." she grins. "i'm so proud of you!" peter lays a kiss on her cheek which made everyone in the room speechless.

"w-w-when did that happen?" bruce points at them while frowning.

lily sticked her tongue out and peter feigned ignorance as they both ran out leaving everyone confused.

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