Chapter Three

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"You know, Granger, I was really surprised when Weasley said you were interested in me." Cormac said to Hermione on their date in the Three Broomsticks.

"Uh, Cormac, you can call me Hermione if you'd like." Hermione said, slightly uncomfortable at the fact that she was on a date with someone who was so similar to Malfoy.

"Oh, right. Not used to talking to anyone outside of the quidditch team." he said

"It's fine." Hermione smiled reassuringly at him. Even though she had no real interest in being here with him, Hermione thought it only fair to give him a chance at the least.

"Actually, I somewhat know what you mean." she continued "I mean, besides for Ron and Harry, there's not many people I talk to."

"Yeah, I'd noticed you spend quite a bit of time by yourself." Cormac said and then quickly added. "I'm not stalking you, by the way, I just tend to notice certain things."

"Oh." Hermione said unsure of what else to say, but luckily, she thought of something before the silence became awkward. "Ron tells me you're trying out for keeper this year instead of chaser?"

"Yeah." Cormac agreed "I like the position better, but Oliver Wood was always Keeper the whole time we've been at Hogwarts, so I never really had the chance to play the position until now."

"Well, I'm sure you'll do amazing." she reassured him "Maybe I could watch."


"Yeah, I mean I always watch Harry play, so..." Hermione turned red when she realized what she had said "I just mean that it won't really be to big a deal if you wanted me to be there."

"Yeah, I would--"

"Hermione?" A voice interrupted Cormac in the middle of his sentence, and Hermione turned around to see Harry.

"Great." she muttered silently to herself.

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