Chapter Sixteen

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Ron and Hermione made there way to the front of the crowd that was now gathered in the clock tower courtyard. She didn't know what was happening, but she was nearly certain that it was somehow related with Harry.

Across the bridge, Hermione could spot Voldemort's deathly pale and thin figure starting to make it's way toward the castle, his hooded followers right behind him.

Though as they got closer, it became clear that not only were the death eaters following him, but Hagrid as well, who seemed to be carrying a limp body.

"Ron, please tell me that's not him." Hermione cried

"Just don't look, Mione. It'll be alright." Ron said to her, putting an arm around her shoulder. Though, despite his warning, Hermione looked anyways, where she could see the thing that killed the one thing in this world she loved the most, was starting to step forward. 

"Harry Potter is dead!" it yelled with a triumphant grin on its face, though the look was so foreign that it was actually frightening. 

"No!" Ginny collapsed to the ground, burying her head into her hands, while Luna rushed over to comfort her. 

"Now that your precious hero is dead, I suppose at least some of you have come to your senses to join the right side." Voldemort said with a smile, and although he seemed fairly confident people would start to join his army, no one budged. 

"Draco, Darling." Narcissa said from behind the dark lord, out stretching her hand to him, yet he stood his ground. 

"I'm ashamed to have you be called my son." Lucius spat obviosly intending on hurting his son's feelings, but a young girl named Astoria, who was standing besides him, grabbed his hand tightly and kissed his cheek.  

"Doesn't matter Lucius." Voldemort said snidely "I'm sure there must be others who are willing to join...?" 

A few moments went by, but eventually Neville had stepped forward, causing several death eaters to laugh. 

"Well, I have to admit, I was hoping for someone more worthy...but I'm sure we can put you to good use." The dark lord said with a smirk 

"I'm not joining your pathetic, brainwashed army." Neville said "I just wanted to say that it doesn't matter that Harry's gone because he's still with here." he said pointing to his heart. "His heart beat for us. Every single one of us. Remus...Sirius...Fred...Tonks. It doesn't matter that they're gone now. What matters is making sure they didn't die in vain."  

A moment passed, but the tension between the two sides had made it seemed a lot longer. Years even. 

Though, Harry was quick to roll out of Hagrid's arms to reveal that he was still alive. 

"Potter!" Draco called to grab Harry's attention so that he could toss him his wand, and luckily Harry caught it with out problem, and sent a stupifeying  charm at the death eaters, causing them all to disperse, though only for a minute. 

"Harry!" Hermione called, while he ran towards her. 

"Hermione, get inside the castle. It's still not safe yet and--" He started to warn her, though once he had gotten within arms reach of her, she cut him of by pressing her lips to his. 

"I thought you were dead." Hermione said once she pulled away. "You really scared me." 

Harry gave her his famous lopsided grin. "I suppose you haven't quite figured out why they call me the boy who lived?" he teased causing her to laugh and shake her head. 

"How can you make stupid jokes at a time like this?" she asked him, and although she was smiling, she was being completely serious as well. 

"Because I'm with you." He responded bluntly "Because I can do anything as long as I have you by my side." 

Hermione smiled, uneasily. "I hope that's true." she said "Because you still need to duel a dark lord." 


A/N: Ooof its been a long time since i've updated and i actually feel really bad especially because I kept getting a lot of amazing comments on all of my stories and I just had a huge writers block and could not update for the life of me but now ive finally updated so thank god for that. 

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