Chapter Ten

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With their lips just barely touching now, both Harry and Hermione were certain they knew where this was leading...until the portrait whole swung open causing them both to pull away suddenly. 

"And Gryffindor wins!!" Ron comes in yelling and puts his arms around his best friends' shoulders. "You two have missed what is now known as the best quidditch game Hogwarts has seen in a long time, yeah?" 

Harry laughed. "Really?" He said. "Because nothing beats the time where I caught the snitch in my mouth." 

Ron rolled his eyes. "Well, you didn't see all of the saves I made as keeper, which means you can't really say...I, on the other hand, was and can say it did indeed beat your 'choking fit' in first year." He said with a smirk. 

"Piss off." Harry said teasingly, brushing Ron's arm off his shoulder and walking to the crown of gryffindors gathered in the center of the common room, while Ron turned his attention to Hermione. 

"Sorry for interrupting that kiss of yours earlier." he teased, causing Hermione's face to become rather red. 

"It wasn't a kiss!" she protested 

"Well, almost." said Ron, who was now making his way towards the crowd and joining Harry. 

"Weasley is our King!" Harry shouted 

"Weasley is our King!" the other Gryffindors followed, and continued to cheer out for Ron, which, Hermione was glad to see. Ron was her best friend, and even though he had denied it recently, she still knew that he often felt as if he was in Harry's shadow. And the fact that Hermione herself had developed a crush on Harry, she felt if she was choosing one over the other, which was certainly not the case.

Now, with all of the Gryffindors gathered in the common room together, all cheering for Ron, is exactly what he needed to realize just how special and important he was. And Hermione had hoped that he would actually realize this, because Ron was one of the best guys in possibly all of Britain, and he deserved to know it. 

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