Chapter Eleven

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A week had passed after the Quidditch game, and Ron and Hermione were alone in the common for the first time since then. 

"You know, I really would like to know what happened between you and Harry in the common room last week." Ron said "Before all of the Gryffindors rushed in after we'd won the cup." 

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Ron, it was nothing!" she said 

"Nothing?" he raised an eyebrow towards her "Because that's not what Harry had to say about it..." 

"What did Harry say about it?!" Hermione suddenly closed her book, now giving Ron her full attention. "Did he bring it up or did you? Did he say a lot? Did he think it was weird? Ron, answer me!" she yelled, throwing a pillow at his head. 

"Bloody hell, I'll tell you if you really want to know so badly." he said "That night--" 

Before he could even start to explain, Harry came running down the stairs, in distress. Almost as if he'd seen a ghost. 

"Harry? What's wrong?" Hermione asked, suddenly getting to her feet. 

"It's Sirius." he said, out of breath. "He's in danger." 

"Danger?" Ron asked "You mean with you-know-who? As in you just had a nightmare?" 

Suddenly Hermione gasped realizing what it was that Harry went through. When he had nightmares, he wasn't looking in from an outsider's perspective, rather the Dark Lord himself. Which meant Harry had had a nightmare where 'he' had been torturing Sirius. 

"Harry..." she said, at a sudden loss for words. 

"Don't say anything, Hermione please. If you really want to help you'll help me come up with a plan to break into the Ministry." Harry said 


Even though Hermione had promised to help Harry, right now, standing in Umbridge's office waiting for Harry to come back through the fire place, she seriously started to regret this plan of hers...Especially when Umbridge herself had burst through the door with her squad. 

"P-Professor, I had a question about the assignment you gave us today--" Hermione said, trying her best to create some sort of distraction. 

"Save it, Ms. Granger." the woman in pink snapped "I know about your little scheme with Potter." 

Umbridge then made her way over to the fireplace and pulled Harry from the fire. He seemed rather confused until he saw Umbridge's posse with their wands at Hermione, Ron, Ginny & Luna's neck, and the professor herself with a triumphant grin plastered on her face. 

"Now," Umbridge spat, turning her attention back towards Harry "Do you care to enlighten me on what exactly it is you were doing?" 

Though, Harry was determined on not saying anything so he stayed silent. Only causing his professor to become even angrier. 

"Very well then." She said and pointed her wand directly at Harry. "Cru--" 

"Tell her, Harry!!" Hermione yelled, suddenly grabbing everyone's attention. 

"Tell me what?" Umbridge asked 

"Th-That Harry was trying to contact Professor Dumbledore." Hermione said "He asked the five of us--Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna and myself-- to build him some weapon and to let him know when we'd finished. Which is all Harry was trying to do." 

"Very well." Umbridge said, believing the lie "Now I demand you take me to see what exactly it was you were building for the ex-headmaster." 

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