Chapter Twelve

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Harry and Hermione were at the small table in their tent and working on solving their latest obstacle, the sword of gryffindor.

Hermione was able to figure out that the sword of Gryffindor is able to destroy horcruxes as the blade itself is impregnated with basilisk blood. And Harry had already destroyed Tom RIddle's diary by stabbing it with a fang of a basilisk, which was covered in it's blood. The only problem was that the sword had gone missing.

"But if the sword is no longer there then that means..." Harry started, but the light above them had suddenly gone out, only to come back on moments later with Ron appearing in front of them with the Deluminator that Dumbledore left him in his hand.

"It was stolen." He said "That's right, I'm still here. But you two carry on."

Harry and Hermione looked at each other nervously, unsure of what was causing him to act this way.

"What's the problem?" Harry asked, annoyed at his friends sudden change in behavior.

"Problem? There's no problem." he said, but the tone of his voice contradicted himself.

"Obviously there is, so spit out." Harry said, rising from the table

"Alright, I'll spit it out." he said "Just don't expect me to follow the two of you around when it's clear as day you don't bloody need me."

Hermione's heart sank with guilt for her friend. "Ron, of course we need you." she said

"Not now, Hermione." he said "Don't try to lecture me about the value of our friendship when it's pretty damn clear you'd rather be alone with him out here rather than the three of us together."

"What on earth are you on about, Ron?" Harry questioned "Look, I have no idea what's caused this sudden and childish outburst, but in case you haven't noticed, we need all the help we can get!"

"Oh believe me, I know." he said, removing the locket from around his neck. "But it's time I come to my senses and leave before I become even more of a third wheel then I already am."

With that he left through the opening of the tent, followed by a very distressed Hermione. Harry could hear her call his name but it was clear that he had already disappeared. Leaving both Harry and Hermione alone in the woods together.

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