Chapter Eighteen

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"He's just...I don't know. Frustrating, I guess." Hermione said in the familiar setting of the living room of the Burrow, where she was currently rambling off to Ginny and Ron.

"I get it, Hermione." Ginny said to reassure her "But whatever it is you're mad at him for...just know, I don't think he did it on purpose."

"I know he didn't." she agreed "Merlin, this whole thing is so stupid."

"Being the supportive best friend I am and all, I'd usually agree...but it's hard when given no context whatsoever."

"Like I said, it's stupid."

"Brilliant, I know all about stupid ideas...I'm the perfect person to come to, well, besides for Harry that is. But, due to the current conditions--"

Ginny kicked his shin really hard. "You know, I forgot to tell you, Percy's trying to claim your room and make it into his personal 'work room'." she said "I would stop him before he's taken down you Chudley Cannon's posters."

"That pathetic prat!" Ron muttered standing up "I'll be sure to hex his arse back to Crouch's office."

Ginny waved to him as he flew up the steps in a sudden rush, and once she saw he was gone, her attention was turned back to Hermione.

"Sorry about him." Ginny said "Anyways, I understand if you don't want to tell me what--"

"He said he didn't want a family."


"Harry." Hermione explained "I went to make sure he was alright after...everything, and he told me how he'll 'never be the same again' and how he 'thinks his future is doomed'."

"What a pessimistic piece of--"


"Sorry." she said "You know, I can still cast a mean bat-boogey hex...or rather, any hex for that matter. Just give me the word."

Hermione laughed. "This is why you are my best friend." she said right as Ron came running back down the steps.

"You little..." he said, throwing a pillow at Ginny's head "Percy wasn't in my room. He's not even in Britain."

"What do you mean?" Ginny asked, brushing the hair out of her face

"Mum says he's on some stupid work thing and left for Canada last month." he said in shock "No wonder we've all been in such a good mood lately."

"You mean how you just came running down the stairs throwing a pillow at my head."

"Oh sod off."

"Well" Hermione intervened in the sibling-bickering "I think I should get back and find Harry...since I seem to be feeling better."

"Alright." Ron said the same time Ginny said 'Good luck!'

* * *

Despite Hogwarts being in total ruins, everyone at the wizarding school seemed to be in high spirits, Harry noticed.

"And I don't know what I can do to repay you, Mr. Potter." McGonagall was in the middle of saying "I can't even begin to tell you what this means to me and to wizards all across the U.K."

Harry shook his head. "It's not me you need to thank...if it wasn't for the help of so many people...we couldn't of done this."

"I realize that." she said and Harry noticed his eyes flicker to behind him for a split second. "Anyways, I'll keep this brief as it seems you are wanted elsewhere--"

Harry couldn't help himself and turn around where he saw Hermione standing several yards back, waiting for him.

"I always felt a strong connection between you two." his professor continued "Whether it would remain platonic or become something more, I wasn't sure."

"Did all the teachers think like that?" Harry questioned, remembering his previous chat with Dumbledore in sixth year.

"No." McGonagall answered flatly, "most of the entire wizarding world did...Anyways, my best of luck to you, Potter. And, if I may say so, I think Ms. Granger could be your 'saving grace' as some might don't screw this up...for your own sake."

Harry smiled. "Thanks, Professor."


He then turned around, anxiously awaiting a possible scolding from his bossy, yet brilliant, girlfriend.

"We need to talk." Hermione said much more calmer than he'd expected.

"Er...yeah." Harry said, rather stupidly in his opinion.

"Come with me."

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