Chapter Six

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After Hermione's talk with Harry, she had made her way to Gryffindor tower. She originally was just planning on going straight to her own dorm, but in order to get to the fifth year girls dorms, you had to pass fourth year's...Meaning Ginny's dorm. 

Hermione had become very close with Ginny over the last few years, and she hadn't felt right about not telling her that she also had feelings for Harry. 

"Gin, you in there?" Hermione asked, knocking on her friend's dorm. 

"Yeah, come in." Ginny's familiar voice called out 

"Hey." Hermione smiled, and surveyed the room to make sure they were alone "Where's everybody else?" 

"I don't know..." Ginny said "I kicked them out a while ago because I wanted time on my own to think." 

She was laying on her four poster bed, staring up to the ceiling above her. Something was definitely bugging her. 

"What's wrong Gin?" Hermione asked, making her way to her friend's bed to lie next to her. 

" I like--" she started, but Hermione cut her off before she could even finish. 

"Listen, Ginny I am so sorry." she blurted out. "I came up here to actually tell you that I started to fancy Harry too, but--" 

"Wait, hold like Harry? Like in more than just a platonic sort of way?" Ginny asked, sitting up a little to face Hermione better.

"Y-yes." Hermione stuttered, unsure of how Ginny would take the news. 

"I thought so..." she trailed off and pursed her lips. She didn't look too happy, but considering how Hermione had imagined she'd look, Ginny looked pretty content.

"You wanna make a deal?" she finally added after a long silence


"I'll help you with Harry, if you help me with my crush." Ginny proposed

"I thought you liked Harry though?" Hermione asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, although a huge weight seemed to be lifted off of her shoulders since this meant that she and Ginny, her best friend, didn't like the same guy. 

"No..." she sighed, shaking her head. "I mean he's great and all, but..." 


Ginny looked down at her hands. It was clear to see that she was nervous; something that she typically never was. Ginny was known to be confident and out-spoken, not anxious and at a loss for words...something was definitely wrong. 

"Hermione, I haven't told anyone this, and you are best friends with my brother, and you're constantly at the burrow with my family, and--" 

"Gin, what is it?" Hermione said, grabbing her hands and looking her in the eyes 

"I like girls." she said "Please don't tell anyone." 

Being the brightest witch of her age along with being Ginny's best friend, Hermione had already started to get the feeling that Ginny might have fancied girls, even if the red-head couldn't admit it to herself. 

"I won't, I promise." Hermione said immediately, and then suddenly a huge grin emerged on her face. "OH MY GOD, LUNA?!"

"What?" she asked 

"The person you's Luna, isn't it?" Hermione persisted 

"How could you have possibly known?!" Ginny asked, and although she was shocked, a huge grin was plastered to her face. 

"Oh please, what don't I know?" Hermione teased "But in all seriousness, I think you two would make a great couple." 

"Really?" Ginny asked, hopefully "But what if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't even like girls?"

Hermione put a comforting hand on Ginny's shoulder to stop her from worrying. "Gin, it'll be fine. I promise." she said, and then let out a sigh "Besides, you're the one with the real challenge here. I have absolutely no idea how you can help me with Harry." 

Ginny smiled. "I don't know that I could...but I know the perfect people who could..." 

A/N: I one hundred percent ship Linny. OMG they're just wayyy too cute so I thought I'd incorporate them in the story. Plus, I don't really like writing Ginny and Ron as the bad guys like most harmione stories. Ron is like my favorite character and it doesn't feel right to make either one of them villainous just for the sake of the story. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.

-- liv

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