Chapter Five

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Hermione knew what Harry had meant by 'their spot'. It was under a tree by the lake, not hidden away like one might expect, but for some reason, it held a lot of meaning for the both of them. Especially last year, during the Triwizard Tournament. Nobody had seemed to believe Harry that he hadn't put his name in except for Hermione, and she would often take him to this exact spot and tell him that everything would be okay. 

However, now as Harry currently sat under the large oak tree waiting for Hermione to arrive, he knew that their conversation wouldn't be a light-hearted one unlike the ones they typically shared in this exact spot. 

"Harry?" he heard his name from behind him, and saw Hermione starting to approach him 

"Listen, I'm sorry for earlier, Mione..." he started but she cut him off short 

"I just don't get it Harry. I mean, you were acting like I was on a date with Malfoy. And I do recognize that Cormac might not be perfect, but he's not a bad guy either." 

"I can't see you get hurt, Hermione!" he said sharply and suddenly 

"Well I won't. I can take care of myself." Hermione responded. "I know you're just trying to protect me, but I would hate to distract you from Cho." 

"What does that mean?" he asked

"It's just that lately, I find myself having to talk to Ron all the time because you're off with Cho. And I know that she's your girlfriend, but Ron has a girlfriend too you know, and when I need him he's still there." I said, making sure not to raise my voice. After all, I wasn't really angry, I was jealous. 

"I'm still here for you, Mione!" he said, looking rather hurt "I mean, just earlier today I tried to be there for you but you were too busy flirting with that prick McLaggen!" 

"Why do you hate Cormac so much?" Hermione asked

"This isn't even about Cormac!" Harry said sharply, but it was clear that he was not angry. "I don't want you dating McLaggen because I don't want you dating one here is even remotely good enough for you, and--" 

"Harry, you're not my dad! (A/N: You just wanna hear something!!) You can't tell me who I can or cannot date! It's not fair, and quite honestly, a little condescending." 

"Mione, you're taking this all out of proportion--" 

"I really don't think I am." she cut him off short "Listen, we'll talk tomorrow, alright? It's been a long day and I'm tired. The last thing I would want is to lash out at you and say something I regret just because I want to go to bed." 

Harry nodded. "Alright. Goodnight, Hermione." 

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