Chapter Four

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"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked Harry, while Cormac seemed to remain unfazed and stayed seated at their table.

"I was just coming here to ask you what you were doing alone in the three broomsticks?" he asked

"But she's not alone." Cormac said from behind them

"Oh, sorry McLaggen, I didn't see you there." Harry brushed it off like it was nothing, but it was quite clear that Cormac's presence was irritating him.

"Well, anyways thanks for hanging with her, but I'm here now."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean, Potter? You might be able to tell me what to do on the Quidditch Pitch, but not anywhere else. And certainly not while I'm on a date!" Cormac yelled back, and the tension between the two boys was starting to make Hermione feel uncomfortable.

"I don't know what's gotten your wand in a knot McLaggen, but if you'd like to keep your spot on the team, I'd be quiet if I were you!"

"Resorting to threats now are we?"

"Both of you just shut up!" Hermione intervened their bickering. "You two are acting ridiculous! Like five year olds!" she then turned her focus to Cormac "Listen, Harry's my best friend. I'm not going to ignore him just because we're on a date. And if you can't keep your jealousy out of control, than I don't think this is going to work."

"Sorry." he muttered, not sounding to sincere, but considering it was Cormac, the apology alone surprised her.

"And Harry, I'll talk to you later." Hermione said "I don't even know what I want to say, really."

Harry nodded. "Alright." he said "Our spot after dinner."

"Okay, I'll be there." she smiled, but Harry knew her well enough to know that the smile was forced, and she was livid for whatever reason.

He decided to blame McLaggen. 

"Goodbye for now then, Mione." Harry said, and gave her a small wave, ignoring Cormac completely. 

"Bye, Harry." 

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