Part 2 - Midnight Fights

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I don't sleep some nights. I'm usually out late doing other shit anyway. The kind of shit only Jason knows about because he does it with me. Tonight, I'm put doing that shit.

Jason and I walked into the crowded building. We have masks on to hide our faces in order to not let anyone know who we really are. Though, our masks are famous in this department. We walked up to the bar where you sign up to go in the ring.

I'm wearing a tight fitted black crop top with long sleeves and tights as well as black tennis shoes. It looks like I'd be hard to move in, but it's not. It's actually rather easy to move around in. My hair is down, curling around clear down to my waist and framing my face. I have dark red lipstick on as well as red eyes. The red eyes sort of have a glow to them, being the only thing above my nose that you can see behind my black mask.

On the other hand, Jason is in red. His mask is like mine, only showing everything below the nose. He's in a tightly fitted T-shirt that he cut the sleeves off of. His choice of pants are red sweats and his shoes are red running shoes. His eyes are red as well.

"Well, well, well." The bartender said. He's a buff guy with a buzz cut for brown hair and dangerous brown eyes. "If it isn't the legendary Roy Harper and Laurel Lance." He joked with a grin. I rolled my eyes at the Arrow reference. "What can I sign you up for, Red Knight?" Jason signed up for something easy so he can get more sleep tonight. "And you, Black Beauty?"

"Actually it's Black Raven." I corrected with a platonic tone. "And I'd like something challenging." I tilted my head to the side a bit, smirking at him. He wrote me down and told us our times. Mine is in a short bit. We decided to walk around. All was great until Jason spotted someone we know.

"Raven!" He hissed, smacking my arm. He pointed at the opposite side of the ring. It took me a moment to train my eyes on it.

"What are they doing here?" I muttered to myself. Before I could think, I started walking over to them.

"Is this a good idea? Won't they recognize our voices?" Jason asked. I pointed at my throat. "Right." He cleared his throat then shook his arms a little and took a swift breath. "Did I get it?" His voice is deeper and has a small rasp to it. Mine should be just a bit higher since I'm a girl.

"Yeah, you got it." I replied with my own changed voice. We walked up to the two we'd set eyes on. I plastered a smirk on my face. "Isn't it a little late to be out past your bedtimes?" I asked them. I leaned back on the railing. Jason chuckled beside me, shaking his head. I had my eyes trained on the younger of the two.

"Don't mind her. She's a little..." Jason trailed off.

"Mean." I finished. "Hello, I'm Raven and this is my cousin, Knight." I held my hand out.

"Cash." The younger one replied with a smile, showing off his blue braces. "That's my older brother Maverick." Maverick gave a small wave and slight glare at his brother.

"Oh, I get it, the no talking to strangers rule?" I inquired.

"Raven, you're really itching to get in there, huh?" Jason whispered. I get kind of mena when I haven't had something to beat up in awhile.

"Wait, are you guys going to be fighting?" Cash asked. We nodded our heads. "Cool!"

"Do you come here often?" I asked him with a gentle smile. I told you, I can't stop smiling around this boy.


"What're the rules of the ring?"

"Rules? There are no rules. Well, except that you can't kill your opponent. That's a rule so we don't have to call an ambulance." Cash rambled on a bit.

"Now to the ring, The Golden Tiger and The Black Raven!" The announcer called out.

"Oops. That's me. Gotta go." I unhooked my gloves from my pants and put them on my hands. I handed my hook to Jason then went to jump down into the ring. A hand on my arm stopped me. I turned to face Cash.

"Good luck. I've seen people get pretty beaten up in there." Cash told me in a small voice.

"Then you haven't seen me." I said cockily. I jumped into the ring instead of going through the fighter entrance. My opponent came through his fighter entrance and chuckled when he seen me, a petite girl in black.

"This will be easy." He muttered. The bell sounded and he ran at me, taking a swing for my face. I ducked and punched his knee, causing him to groan loudly. He fell on my body and I stood up, rolling him off me. He came at my back, but I spun around in time to grab his fist and throw him. He tumbled to the ground.

"Easy, huh?" I asked. I grabbed him by the arm and yanked him off the ground. People ohed at my ability to lift a two hundred pound man of muscle. I threw him up and quickly kicked his gut, knocking him into the wall where he fell to the ground, out cold. People cheered loudly. I ran up to where Cash and Jason are, grabbing the wall and hoisting myself up. Jason grabbed my arm, pulling me up the rest of the way. "I thought I said to give me a challenge." I joked. They gave me the money and then put Jason in the ring.

"That was awesome!" Cash shouted. "How much do you lift?"

"Enough." I replied, somewhat out of breath. Jason didn't have as easy of a time as I did, taking a hit or two to the gut. I winced when he did, physically hurting for my brother. He made it out on top though. He took the fighter entrance as an exit rather than climbing the wall. He collected his money before returning to us. We bid our goodbyes to Cash and Maverick then went home. I helped ice up Jason before changing and going to bed.

That's part two! I wanted you to get insight of her nightlife as well as her closely guarded secret.


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