Part 8 - Underestimated

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I like waking up in Cash's arms. I crept out of the bed and ran downstairs. I made Cash breakfast then ran upstairs. He's still sound asleep. I grinned and jumped on him. "Wake up! Take a shower! Get dressed! I made food!"

"Vampires can cook?" Cash grumbled. I rolled my eyes at him. He's smiling at me though and that brightens everything. Cash complied and went to shower. While he was in there, my phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D. to find Jason calling. I answered it.

"What's up?" I asked cheerfully.

"Sorry to spoil your mood, Sis, but we have a problem." Jason said. "It's Caitlin and Lucy, they've been kidnapped." My blood ran cold. I hung up and threw my phone on the bed. I was about to walk out, but I froze and turned to face the bathroom. I can't leave Cash alone. I picked my phone back up and called Jason back.

"I can't leave." I hissed. "If I leave Cash alone, he'll come for him."

"He wants you dead, Ash. He's going through great measures to get you. You might have to cut your trip short. He's only releasing them if you go to the ring and fight his men. Six of them. All separately. If you win, he'll leave you alone and Cash alone. The catch is that Cash has to watch you fight which means you-"

"Have to unmask the Black Raven." I muttered. "Got it. I'll be there as soon as I can." I hung up. I heard the shower turn off. Cash came out in just a towel. I turned around slowly.

"What's wrong?" Cash asked.

"My little sisters were abducted. In order to get them back, I have fight six vampires." I whispered. "I have to kill six vampires."

"How? I've only seen you fight once and that was with a gun."

"That's part of where right now comes in." I chuckled. "Cash Baker, I am the Black Raven."

"How? What?" Cash sat down on the bed, placing his head in his hands.

"I can kick ass, Cash. I'm more than willing to. I fight in that ring to blow off steam. When I disappear randomly, that's usually where I go. I go and I kick the living shit out someone because I'm pissed off."

"Were you watching me in Maverick's car. Why'd you take that beating?"

"Yes, I was watching you. I couldn't bring myself to walk away. I took the beating because I thought that's what I deserved for making you so upset. After I passed out, that was when Jason talked sense into me. But, I didn't just take the beating, Cash. I fucking begged for it." Tears welled in my eyes. I let out a shaky breath and one fell. "Now I'm questioning why I wanted to die so badly and why I haven't ended it. It'd be so easy to shove a wooden stake through my heart. Then I look at you. I'm standing here because of your beating heart. I didn't leave while you were showing because of you. And because I care so much about you, you have to watch me either get my ass kicked or do the ass kicking."

"Let me go get dressed. Can you super speed us there?" I nodded my head. He went to the closet and pulled out some clothes.

"Cash?" He spun around to face me.


"I might not make it out of this alive."


I stopped running just outside our house. "Ashlyn, can I bring Maverick? I may need some support." I nodded.

"Go. The first fight is at six. Could you stop by about thirty minutes early?" I asked. Cash bit his lip then nodded his head.

"Wait. I can't explain this all to Maverick without evidence." A gentle smile was on Cash's lips. I gave him a kiss then bit his neck. "Thanks." Cash gave me a kiss before going inside. I went into my own house where I was met with worried faces. I put on my game face.

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