Part 23 - Happy Birthday!

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I woke Cash up by peppering kisses on his face. He grinned at me for a moment then it dulled into a simple smile. I even saw the smile threaten to fall off his face.

Deciding that I didn't need to ask questions, I just continued to please Cash with lots of kisses.

"Hey, Lynn, I love you." Cash whispered. I got a sinking feeling in my chest. Something is definitely going to go wrong today.

"I love you too." I replied easily. "Happy Birthday!" I squealed. Cash gave me a weak smile. He seems so hurt. "You're nineteen!"

"Lynn, I figured out what I want for my birthday." Cash suddenly blurted out. My eyebrows furrowed for a moment, but I smiled easily.

"What do you want?"

"For you to turn me. Tonight." Though confused, I agreed with his wish. Cash held me tightly in his arms for five more minutes.

"Why do you want to be turned all of the sudden?" I whispered, my shock fully setting in.

"I'm ready to embrace my destiny. Besides, this way I'll always be a year older." I rolled my eyes at his words, but he just chuckled. "I love you."

"I love you too." We got changed then went to school. Cash isn't acting as weird, but he's still weird. Yesterday, he didn't want me around. Today, he doesn't want to leave my side and he keeps telling me how much he loves me. I feel like there's hidden messages and clues I'm supposed to be receiving, but I'm not getting them. There are moments where I feel guilt and sadness coming from Cash. I'm desperate to know why, but I know I shouldn't intrude on his memories.

"Hey, Cash." A flirty voice said. I snapped my head up to see Julie's smirking face. I immediately scowled, annoyed by just her presence. "Ashlyn." She seethed, dropping the smirk just for me, but only for a quick second. I smirked just to antagonize her. "Cash, remember, I'm coming home with you after school for that project." Cash nodded then she walked away. I didn't say anything and stood up. Cash grabbed my wrist. It seemed almost instinctive. I looked down at him with an irritated expression. He stared up at me with guilt in his eyes. I sighed and sat down.

"Ashlyn, before you storm off, I just have to say that you can't come over until five or else Julie won't work with me. And, I can't give you a ride home either." Cash whispered softly. I swear his voice cracked a bit.

"Cash, what's going on? Why are you lying to me?"

"Just trust me. Okay?" I ripped my wrist from Cash's hand then got up and stormed away. The teacher called my name, but I ignored everything from that point on. If he's going to be like that, then I'm going to be like this; pissed off and hungry. I found a junior jock boy walking down the hall. He smacked my butt as I walked by. I instantly turned and grabbed him by the throat with one hand. I grit my jaw.

"Are you blind or can you not see anger on a girl's face as she stomps down the hall?" I growled. I felt him swallow. "I'm a little pissed off right now and you're lucky I don't bash your fucking face in." I squeezed a little.

"Hey!" A voice yelled. "Drop him." I let go and he scrambled to get away. I turned into my vampiric form before facing my intruder. "Ashlyn, what the hell has gotten into you?" I sped forward and pushed my twin against the lockers.

"What's gotten into me?" I snarled. "You're really going to ask that?"

"If it's about Lys-"

"No, Jason, it's not about your hormonal girlfriend. It's about my boyfriend who keeps shooting me guilty looks and changing his damn mind. One minute he's pushing me away and the next he's asking me to turn him so we can be together forever." I released my brother, my other emotions flushing out the anger for a moment as tear rose to my eyes.

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