Part 33 - Yours

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I continued to hug my baby brother. He's just woken up and it's been three days. I'd searched Ethan's memories to find out they gagged him with almost enough vervain to kill him.

"Look, Ash, I love you, but I've been trapped for nearly two weeks and then slept for three days. I'd like to run around and be free. Plus, your boyfriend seems kind of cranky." Ethan whispered. I looked at Cash who is clear across the room. He's tightly holding his phone. I gave Ethan a light kiss on his temple before speeding to my boy's side. I forced myself in front of him, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding myself close to him. Cash instinctively put an arm around my waist. He set his phone down to completely hold me. I'd sensed his agitation before, but now it's swarming in the air.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

"Mychael is coming out for the summer. He arrives at six." Cash muttered.

"What's so bad about that?"

"He thinks you're hot." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Cash, I'm yours. Nothing can change that." I reminded him. "Besides, almost every teenage guy I've ever met has found me hot. You did." Cash sighed, nodding his head.

"Good point....." He gave me a soft kiss on the nose. "I tried playing smooth with you. You honestly didn't seem like the type of girl to be so kind. But," Cash paused, his lips turning up into a smile. "You specifically took me to your bathroom then gave in to playing twenty questions. After you half-healed from being tortured, I officially thought you were indestructible. That was until our first kiss. You were so confident, but I could feel just how insecure and vulnerable you felt around me. That made me feel powerful." I breathed out a soft laugh. "When you did that spell or whatever when you were fighting and I could feel how much you wanted to survive. I think that was when I realized that I'd been falling in love. However;" He paused again to look at me. His hand raised and cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch. "I knew I'd fallen as my memories with you replayed through my head. You're mine, always meant to be, always will be, from now and for-literal-fucking-ever. You're my girl."

"I am the one and only Cash Baker's girl." I whispered, kissing his chin. "From now on and to forever in our immortal lives. I believe that, together, we can get through anything."

"And I completely agree." We just stood there in one another's arm until Cash suddenly gasped with excitement. "I have a surprise for you. I was going to wait until graduation, but now is a great time."

"Okay..." I whispered. Cash pulled back, only keeping our hands together.

"I talked to Maverick and Lani who both agreed to let us move into the house in the woods if you'd like. Whenever you want." I gently smiled. I went to kiss his chin, but he lowered his head enough for me to kiss his lips. I wrapped my arms back around his neck and his hands rested on my waist. I broke the kiss then jumped up and wrapped my legs around him. I rested my head in the crook of his neck. "I'll take that as a yes then." I silently laughed. "Why don't we go over to my house and watch a movie until six?"

"Okay." I got down, nearly pulling myself away from his arms, but he pulled me in closer. We're nearly inseparable. We started walking out the door. "Hey, you're not going to leave me for three days again, are you?"

"No fucking way." Cash replied instantly. "I can't even stand to be away from you for more than a second." I smiled bashfully, leaning in closer. I don't even know if we could get any closer any how. We walked over to Cash's house. "Maverick is on a date and Lani is working so we're all alone." Cash whispered.

"You know what that means, right?" I purred as I slowly trailed my arms up his shirt. Cash nodded.

"Netflix and chill." He said with a goofy grin. I laughed, throwing my head back. "What?"

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