Part 31 - He Didn't Die

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Waking up next to Cash before had been amazing, but now it's phenomenal. Especially after such a pleasurable night. Our legs are tangled together and Cash has my back tightly pressed to his chest with his arms tightly around me. Cash kissed my jawline. I smiled happily.

"We should probably get dressed and go home." Cash whispered.

"But I'm comfy and we don't have a change of clothes." I whined. I turned to face Cash who's smiling at me.

"I had Lysandra get you some clothes and I brought my own. They are in the car. I'm sure I can run and go get them. I'm comfy too, but we can't just sit around here all day."

"Yes, we can." I retorted. "Especially if we decide not to get dressed." I trailed a finger down Cash's bare chest. He grabbed my hand, shaking his head.

"Remember what you said last night?" I thought for a moment, pretending not to recall it even though we both know what I said and Cash knows that I know.

"Well, if I really wanted too, I could make you forget." I said teasingly. Cash narrowed his eyes.

"You wouldn't dare."

"You're right about that one." I muttered, displeased. "I did say for us to cherish the moments though." Cash looked like he's being swayed. I kissed his neck, trying to sway him in my favor. "I don't know about you, but I'm on Cloud Nine and I don't feel like coming down just yet." I grazed his skin with my fangs, nipping at him. Cash swallowed. "I could teach you a few tricks."

"Fine." He moved my face and pressed his lips to mine.


"Niether of us even have jobs, Lynn." Cash whispered from where he's sitting in his desk chair. I have my hands resting on my stomach, head hanging off the bed as I stared at an upside down Cash. "We haven't even graduated."

"We still have a month before we know for sure." I told him. I rolled so he's not upside down in my vision. "Plus, graduation isn't until May tenth and today is April sixteenth. That's less than a month away." Cash put his head in his hands. "Cash, I get it." I whispered, getting up from the bed. "You're scared, nervous, and worried. But, I know, deep down inside, you're excited." I lifted Cash's head up then moved his hands sat down on his lap. His arms encircled me. He held me close. I grabbed one of his hands and laced our fingers. "We'll get through this together." Cash gave me a small smile then kissed my lips.

"I have to go talk to Maverick and Lani. Is there a way we can tell before next month?" Cash held a pouty face. I shrugged my shoulders. Cash sighed. I got off his lap.

"I'm going to go hang out with my siblings and Lys, okay? You can tell them if you wish." I whispered. Cash nodded. I gave him a parting kiss before leaving.

Cash's POV

I watched Ashlyn leave. She turned and waved. I grinned and waved back. I sighed with sadness once she'd left. I suddenly want her back in my arms. I shook the feeling away the best I could. I left my bedroom and to the dining room where Lani and Maverick are eating lunch.

"How'd it go?" Maverick asked, a smirk on his face. I chuckled.

"Great, actually." I replied, smirking as well. "Everything went great. More than great."

"You guys finally did it, didn't you?" Maverick inquired. I nodded my head happily.

"Where is she now?" Lani asked. "She's usually glued to your hip."

"She's with her family. Guys, I have some important news that I'm very nervous about so please don't judge." I began softly. I took a deep breath then uttered the words I haven't dared said. "Ashlyn might be pregnant." She'd been the one to bring it up back in my room. I haven't had the gut to say it, but now that I have, I feel happy. Lani squealed happily, jumping up and rapidly clapping her hands.

"Yay! You're so grown up!" She squeezed me in a death hug. I'd spent a lot of time around humans in Ohio and it turns out to have helped quite a lot.

"How do you know for sure?" Maverick asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Vampires are very fertile. That's why she has so many siblings and why Jason and Lysandra got pregnant so quick. Her father hated to use protection so that happened." I explained what Ashlyn had told me one day to them.

"Are you sure you're ready for a baby? You haven't even graduated." Maverick said. My stomach churned. Suddenly, there's someone holding onto my arm, assurance and anger radiating from them as they growled at my brother. I knew who it was just by the presence they brought in. I looked down at Ashlyn, surprised to see her there. "It's a serious matter, Ashlyn." Maverick told her calmly. She's pissed and he's making it worse. Ashlyn hissed with her fangs barred.

"Hey, hey..." I whispered in her ear. "Relax. He's just looking out for me." Ashlyn looked up at me with red eyes. "What's wrong?" She looked away from me. She returned to normal, a hurt expression on her face. "Ashlyn?"

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Lani asked. Maverick looks concerned as well. Ashlyn stared at the wall, blatantly ignoring us. I'm not too good at reading her emotions when she feels too many at once.

"Ashlyn?" I tried again. Suddenly sadness and anger swarmed my body. She turned and looked up at me, her blue eyes null of emotion.

"He's tricked us." Ashlyn admitted.

"Who?" Maverick inquired. Ashlyn locked eyes with my older brother.

"My father. He didn't die." Ashlyn's face is void of emotion as she spoke. "His power. He can create copies of someone as a decoy. It takes a lot of energy, but he can do it twice. He's left us alone up until now."

"What'd he do?" I growled. Ashlyn swallowed, seemingly unable to say anymore. Tears filled her eyes so she closed them. I wiped away a fallen tear. She shook her head.

"He killed Ethan." With her words, Ashlyn collapsed in my arms. I held her against me and slowly lowered us to the floor. My siblings and I remained silent as Ashlyn sobbed.

That's part thirty one! Looks like Mr. Stone is back again. I thought about killing Kylie off, but that'd be too harsh.


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