Aw No Smutty Smut ☹️

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"Murdoc!" Stu Shouted as he slammed murdocs room door open.

"I want. Attention. Give it. To me. I am ur boyfriend, so I need this" 2D threw himself on murdocs bed

"Woah ok little blue bird" Murdoc said getting up from his desk chair. He sat down next to 2D

"Tell u what" Murdoc said "I'm kind of busy rn but we can do summ later alright?"

2D pouted.

"We can watch a movie?" He said stroking 2Ds hair.

"It can be one of ur zombie films" Murdoc said, not rlly excited but cool I guess.

"But I rlly want ur attention rn. I'm like... desperate sort of. Pretty please?"

"Oh my god wtf fine Stuart fucking Pot"

Murdoc gave 2D a little peck on his lippies.

"That good enough?"

2D sat up. He pouted.


yo the atmosphere got so fucking sexual then.

They started kissing hella passionately then Murdoc started taking 2Ds shirt off and then they started French kissing ew but good for them.

2D was shirtless and so Murdoc just pushed him down on the fucking bed and just wo o p almost killed the bitch with how much force he used lmao jk wtf.

Anyway, wow now Murdoc was biting 2Ds collar bone, and he started going down all the way to his tummy and started licking there because for some reason that's hot?

When Murdoc was bout to unzip the boys pants 2D STOPPED HIM!! Super huge gasp

2D then pushed Murdoc down, warning him that he was on command now EW 🤢

He got a fucking condom out of no where and ripped that shit with his mouth because that my friend. Is indeed some hot shit. LMAO EW

Murdoc was hella fucking flustered. His super hot BF was rlly just gonna top him like that? Damn. Hot shit. Some real hot shit.

Just when 2D was about to unzip Murdocs pants. A huge S L. A M sound suddenly made a sound idk how to fucking describe that fuck if.

The 2 man boys flinched. And slowly turned their heads to see who was at the door.

It was Noodle oh shit.

But she was like 28 you guys this is like phase 5 Or something.

"Murdoc FUCKING Kun." She said angrily

" u h... yes?" Murdoc said shakingly l ol

"You said you were gonna take me to the FUCKING mall. BUTCHU DIDNT!"

"W-why don't you ask Russ t-to, Love?"

"Oh don't fucking LOVE me you stupid green shit"

"Oh my go-"

"Stop what ever ur FUCKING doing rn and TAKE Me To ThE FUCKING MALL!!" She slammed the door shut and left

2D and Murdoc just stared at each other in complete shock.

They Groaned and 2D got off of Murdoc.

I guess they had to do this another Time 😔


Lmao guys so I completely deleted "Gorillaz stuff" cuz that shit sucked and here I am making stupid parody shit.

Well this isn't supposed to be a real 2Doc kind of fanfic it's just for late night writing.

Uh I'll publish this at random times have fun reading this bullshit bye.

2Doc Stuff - a Parody Fanfic 😌✨Where stories live. Discover now