Chapter 4

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        It's 3:30 PM now and Logan just finished his Q&A for his vlog. He did his outro and his videographer, Spencer, started to pack all of the camera stuff up. Spencer has a black hat that's on backwards covering his black curly hair, black stub beard, black shirt, black ripped jeans, and black Yeezys. "I have to go to a meeting," Spencer said, "Is Jake doing okay? I haven't seen him yet and it sounds bad. He's three years old now?" "Yeah," Logan said, "He's back to three years old. He's trying his best to be strong, but it's really stressful for him. You can come by after your meeting if you want." "I'm busy the rest of the day, but Mike and I can try to come by tomorrow," Spencer said. "Okay," Logan said, "Jake can use a lot of support right now." "Mike and I are here to help as much as we can," Spencer said. "Thanks," Logan said with a smile. "We're here for everybody," Spencer said and headed inside. They walked over to the front door and said bye. Spencer left and Logan headed upstairs to check on Jake since he fell asleep like an hour ago. He quietly opened the door and saw Jake asleep in bed still. "Oh, I was about to check on him," Erika said as she walked over to Logan, "The chef made us cheeseburgers for lunch and I was asking everybody if they're hungry." "I can use a cheeseburger," Logan said, "He's probably hungry too. He is a three year old now though, so I don't know if he'll eat as much as he usually does." "Probably will," Erika said, "What do you think he'll eat?" "I don't know," Logan said, "He was having some food cravings a three year old would like earlier. He had always like Macaroni & Cheese, so probably that." "I was just thinking that," Erika said with a smile and walked away. Logan walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He walked over to the bed and gently shook Jake. Jake mumbled some words and slowly opened his eyes with a little yawn. "Okay, that was adorable," Logan said with a chuckle. "Shut up," Jake mumbled tiredly and shoved his face into the pillow, closing his eyes. "You've been asleep for about an hour now and the chef is making us lunch," Logan said, "He's making Macaroni & Cheese for you and the rest of us are having burgers." "Just because I shrunk down in to a three year old doesn't mean I'll only eat some small simple foods like three year olds do," Jake said as he rolled over on to his back, looking up at Logan, "Macaroni & Cheese does sound really good though and I feel like I won't finish big meals like I usually do." Logan laughed and made Jake stand up. Jake stuck his arms out to him, wanting to be picked up for some reason. Logan chuckled and picked him up, setting him on his side. "Do you like me carrying you around everywhere?" Logan asked as they left Jake's room. "Yeah," Jake said while giggling, "I don't have to walk." Logan rolled his eyes and laughed as well. They went downstairs and over to the kitchen where everybody is standing around with plates of food, sitting at the table, chatting, and just hanging out. Logan set Jake down on the counter where a bowl of Macaroni & Cheese is. "I don't think he'll be able to sit on a chair and reach the table," Tessa said while chuckling. "I'll just stay here," Jake said and picked up the little spoon that has Macaroni & Cheese on it. Logan got a burger and ate next to Jake, watching as Jake tries to eat and is obvious it's a little bit harder for him. "Jake, how are you getting it all over your face?" Chad asked while laughing. "I don't know!" Jake said with a frown, "This is harder than it looks!" Everybody laughed and Jake let out a sigh, about to just give up, but he is hungry so he kept eating. "Screw it," Jake said and set the spoon down. He was about to just use his hands, but Erika grabbed his small arm to stop him. "No," Erika said and pick up the spoon, "I'll just feed you." "No!" Jake said and leaned back away from her. Everybody laughed, even Erika. He snatched the spoon from her and continued to use it. "Three year olds are messy eaters," Shannon said. "Yeah," Cortney said. "Y'all will just have to deal with helping me clean my face," Jake said as he eats. "He's so small and adorable," SlayGawd said. "His hair is lighter and it's still the same hair style," Ari said. "Oh, Logan, Jeff dropped off some of your clothes and left your car," Anthony said, "He just used an Uber to get back to your house. He said he might come by again later." "Okay," Logan said as he finished eating. People finished eating and kept talking about how Jake looks and surrounded him. Logan put his dirty plate and Jake's empty dirty bowl in the sink. He washed Jake's face off as everybody kept talking to him. He threw the paper towels out and then joined everybody surrounding him. Jake's face went red as people kept talking about how adorable and cute he looks. "Awww, his face looks even more adorable when it's red," Tessa said and everybody laughed. Jake hid his face in Logan's side, who is standing right next to him. Jake is still sitting on the counter but his legs are hanging off now. "I like how Logan is taking care of him a lot," Erika said with a smile. "Yeah," Anthony said, "It's like he trusts you the most and feels more comfortable." "I trust you all and feel comfortable around you all," Jake said, "I guess it's just a force of habit to go to him right away." "Awww," everybody said and laughed. "He is your older brother," Ari said, "So it makes sense." "We all finished our vlogs so we can all hang out," Erika said, "Look at the positive side of this situation and have some fun." Jake smiled and everybody agreed. Logan helped him down from the counter and they all left the kitchen, going outside. Some went over to the skate ramp to skateboard while others just hang around, kick a soccer ball, throw a football, play basketball, and just chat. Jake stayed with Logan, Erika, and Tessa. "What do you want to do?" Erika asked. Anthony set his bluetooth up to some speakers and started playing music. He ran over to Ari, Shannon, and Cortney to play basketball. Jake shrugged as he looked around. "Not much to do here as a three year old," Jake said. "We have legos," Tessa said. "I am in a three year old body and sometimes can change to a three year old mind completely when I get scared and maybe even excited, but I am still my twenty-one year old self," Jake said, "I do get some weird cravings and like some three year old things." "I know!" Erika said with a gasp, "We can invite Trav, Cor, and Tydus! He's four years old so he can bring some stuff over." "That sounds cool," Jake said, "Maybe he'll have some cool ideas." Erika and Tessa walked away to facetime them to tell them the whole story about what happened. Logan all of a sudden picked up Jake. "Woah," Jake said and then giggled a little, finding that kind of funny for some reason. "You need to smile more," Logan said, "I know this is scary and really hard right now, but like Erika said earlier, we need to look at the positive side right now and have some fun." "I know and I'm trying to," Jake said with a sigh. "I know what will make you smile," Logan said. "What?" Jake asked, curious. Logan started tickling Jake a lot and Jake burst out laughing and squirming. "Stop!" Jake yelled while laughing and Logan started to laugh too. Logan stopped and started to throw Jake up in the air which made Jake laugh even more. He stopped doing that too and Jake stopped laughing. "Okay, you win," Jake said while panting. Logan chuckled and kissed his head. Erika and Tessa showed Trav, Cor, and Tydus that on facetime to show them that Jake is actually three years old now. They then faced the camera back on them to continue to tell them the story. "That was actually a lot of fun," Jake said while laughing, "Now I see why kids like being thrown around." Logan laughed and set Jake down as Erika and Tessa came back over. "So, we told them the story and then showed them you playing with Jake as proof," Erika explained, "They thought it was a prank at first." They all laughed at that. "They're on their way and are bringing some of Tydus' toys even though Jake might not really want to play with the toys," Tessa said, "He could change into a three year old mind randomly for a little bit though so who knows. They're also bringing bikes, scooters, and Tydus' toy Lambo that Jake bought him that they can ride around in if they want. Tydus seemed worried at first but also excited to have someone to play with, especially you Jake." "Okay," Jake said with a smile. All of a sudden, Ari came walking up the drive-way, probably back from picking something up from the front gate and no one noticed he left, with two boxes of donuts. It was like a switch in Jake's head and his smile grew wide. "Donuts!" Jake yelled and started jumping up and down. "You were right Tessa," Erika said while laughing, "He can change into a complete three year old mind randomly." Logan grabbed Jake's arm from running to Ari and crouched down beside him. "Calm down," Logan said while laughing, "You'll get a donut." Jake stop jumping and watched as Ari walked over. He crouched down in front of Jake and opened the box. Jake picked a glazed donut and immediately bit into it. "Thank you," Jake said with a mouthful of donut which made them laugh. Ari walked over to a picnic table that's out and set the two boxes donuts down. Some Team 10 members came over and grabbed some donuts. "We're going to need some napkins," Logan said and stood up. He walked over to the table to grab some napkins for Jake. Jake is like stuffing the donut in to his mouth and getting it all over his face. He is still in the three year old mind. Erika crouched down besides Jake and laughed. Erika took the half eaten donut from Jake and started breaking off smaller pieces for him. He slowly ate the pieces and Logan came back with napkins. He wipes Jake's face off and Jake continued to eat the smaller pieces of donuts from Erika. He finished the donut and Logan wiped his hands off and gave a napkin to Erika. They threw out the napkins and Jake switched back to his twenty-one year old mind again. "Woah," Jake said with a chuckle, "Those donuts are really good. Got to excited there. I knew what I was doing and I tried to get back, but then I gave up and just had a little bit of fun there." "Wait, you can control the mind switching?" Erika asked. "Kind of," Jake said, "I think if I try hard enough, maybe I can." "That's cool," Tessa said. "Yeah, so then hopefully I don't just switch if I get scared and now even if I get excited," Jake said, "I think it'll start getting annoying." "Hey," someone said. They looked over and saw Trav, Cor, Tydus, and RyRy. Trav is the father of the family. He has black hair that points up, black stub bear, red shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Cor is the mother of the family. She has long light blonde wavy hair, white long sleeve, light blue skinny jeans, and black boots. Tydus is the four year old son of the family. He has blonde wavy hair, a black shirt that says, "Tydus" in yellow lettering on it, light blue jeans, and black sneakers. RyRy is the two year old daughter of the family. She has wavy dirty blonde hair that's in pigtails, a red headband that has a bow on it, red short dress, and red shoes. Cor is pushing RyRy in a stroller and Trav is holding Tydus' hand. "Oh my gosh," Cor said when she saw Jake, "He's even more adorable in person up close." Erika and Tessa walked over to the stroller where RyRy is and started playing with her. "Hey Tydus," Anthony said and walked over to them. He gave Tydus a hug and then went inside for a bottle of water. Tydus walked over to Jake. "Woah," Tydus said. "Tydus, this is Jake," Trav said and crouched down next to him. "Woah," Tydus said again which made them all laugh. "Want to ride in my toy Lambo?" Tydus asked Jake. "I guess so," Jake said with a shrug, having nothing else to do. Jake and Tydus followed Trav and Cor over to their car that's down the drive-way a little. Erika, Tessa, and Logan watched as they walked away. "I think if we all just have more fun days like these like we usually do anyway, I think it'll make it less hard on Jake," Erika said. "Yeah," Tessa and Logan said. Erika and Tessa pushed the stroller that RyRy is in over to the side away from people to play with her. Logan sat down at the picnic table by the two boxes of donuts which are almost empty now. He saw Tydus and Jake coming down the drive-way in Tydus' toy blue Lambo that he can drive and has two seats. Trav and Cor are following them. Tydus isn't going that fast right now. Trav and Cor went over to the picnic table and sat down in front of Logan. They ate some donuts while they talk. "Oh, wow, okay," Jake said and Tydus went as fast as they can, which is pretty fast for this toy Lambo. "Weeee," Tydus said while laughing and Jake started laughing too, actually enjoying it and liking Tydus' reactions. "Oh, that's a wall," Jake said as they ran into a wall. Tydus backed away and then drove into the grass. He started to drive around the picnic table and Jake got pretty dizzy. "Oh, okay, yep," Jake said as he got more dizzy. Logan, Trav, and Cor started to laugh. Tydus then drove over to the skate ramp where Chad and SlayGawd are. "Hey Tydus and Jake," Chad said and gave both of them high-fives as they drove by pretty fast still. Tydus then turned back around and headed back over to the picnic table. He started going around it again. "Okay, Tydus, can I drive?" Jake asked, getting dizzy. Logan, Trav, and Cor laughed again as they watched them. Tydus stopped and got out. "Yeah," Tydus said. Jake got out too and got into the driver's seat. Tydus got into the passenger's seat and Jake started driving. He went as fast as it can go which is still kind of fast. "We're going to go see your little sister," Jake said and drove over to Erika, Tessa, and RyRy, who is out of the stroller now. They reached them and Tydus and Jake got out of the toy Lambo. "Hi RyRy," Tydus said and they both hugged. "Hi," RyRy said. "Awww," Erika and Tessa said at the same time. "Want to come play with Jake and I?" Tydus asked. "Yeah," RyRy said and then grabbed a little bouncy ball from her stroller. "Want to roll the ball around?" Tydus asked her. "Yeah," RyRy said with a smile. Tydus grabbed their hands and went by the dumpster. They sat in a triangle shape and started to roll the ball around. Jake is actually kind of enjoying it and likes listening to RyRy and Tydus talk, even though RyRy can't talk that well yet. "Can I try throwing it?" Tydus asked Jake. Jake nodded his head, wanting to try to catch it as a three year old. Tydus threw it and it went way over Jake's head. "oops," Tydus said as him and RyRy starts laughing. Jake stood up and walked after it. His mind started to travel through his thoughts, mostly thinking about what is happening now with him. He's stuck as a three year old right now and possibly no way to change back. Hopefully the girl who did this to him has the cure and the cops can get it. He let out a sigh as he reached the little red bouncy ball which stopped by the side of the house. He picked it up with his right hand and then froze when he heard something in the bushes on the other side of the fence which is blocking off the forest that's next to their house. Jake looked over and stared at it. Probably just an animal, Jake thought to himself and went to turn around, but froze again when he heard the noise again. The noise sounds like something big. Then there were crunching noises like someone is walking. Jake started to get scared and backed away a little, staring at the forest. All of a sudden, a rabbit ran out of the bushes which made Jake jump. Jake let out a sigh of relief and then chuckled. He went to walk back, but all of a sudden, something grabbed his shoulders and turned him around. He looked up at a huge person who has on a black hoodie, black jeans, black boots, and a white skull mask. Jake looked into the person's icy blue eyes that he can see through the mask that's piercing into his green eyes which sends shivers down his spine. Jake dropped the ball and got out of the man's grip. He turned around and started to run, his little legs going as fast he can which is actually kind of fast. The man chased after him and picked him up. Jake started squirming in the person's grip and then his mind switched to complete three year old. He let out the loudest scream he could and burst out crying, tears streaming down his face rapidly. He kept squirming in the person's grip and the person let go of Jake, his ears hurting from his scream. Everybody ran over to see what's happening and saw Jake by the person. Erika, Tessa, and Cor took the other little kids away. Jake landed on the ground with a thud and got up, shaking and crying. He ran over to Logan who immediately picked him up. "WHO ARE YOU?!?" Chad yelled, "GET OUT OF HERE YOU CREEP!" The person hopped over the fence and ran into the forest, far away from the house. Jake wrapped his arms tightly around Logan's neck and kept crying in his shoulder, shaking a lot. "Daddy?" Tydus asked, really scared. Tydus and RyRy are crying now, confused and scared about what's happening. Trav picked up Tydus and Tydus cried in to his shoulder. "Who was that guy?" Ari asked. "I don't know," Trav said. "The doctor said the girl could possibly have a partner," Erika said, "That could be her partner!" "Why would that person want Jake though?" Anthony asked, "He's already shrunk down into three years old." "Revenge?" Tessa asked, "The girl got arrested and her partner might be blaming Jake." "I think it's revenge," Logan said as he held Jake close to him who isn't crying as much anymore. His mind went back to twenty-one years old, but he still has some tear going down his face, wishing this is all just a nightmare. "I-I think it's revenge too," Jake said, bringing his head up from Logan's shoulder. "Did he say anything to you?" Logan asked, seeing that Jake is back to himself. "No," Jake said, "He just stared into my eyes." Jake shivered a little, remembering the man's eyes. "That's so weird and creepy," Cortney said with a frown. "How about we just go inside," Cor suggested, holding RyRy. Everybody agreed and headed inside. Jake laid his head back down on Logan's shoulder, wanting all of this to be over already. Wanting to just be back to his normal age and height. Wanting to just wake up and this is all just a crazy nightmare. More tears went down his face, but he tried to stay strong. He hates showing this side of him to people. He always tries to act strong and happy. He hates showing weakness, sad, and anger. The only people who sometimes seen this side of him is Logan and his mom, but it's rare. Logan can usually always tell if he's hiding it though and hates that he always tries to act happy and strong. Jake likes to hide behind the face of a clown. Logan can feel some tear stains on his shoulder on his shirt as they walked inside the house. Everybody walked around the house, trying to have fun and not stress out too much. Logan went upstairs, still holding Jake, to talk to him for a little bit. He went in to Jake's room and closed the door with his foot again. Logan sat down on the bed, his back against the backboard and Jake in his lap. He brought his legs up and made Jake sit up more. Jake's back leaned against Logan's legs. "Are you okay?" Logan asked, "Did anything else happen with that weird creep that tried to kidnap you?" "No," Jake said, shaking his head, "He just stared at me and wouldn't talk." Jake shivered a little at the thought of the guy's blue eyes piercing in to his green eyes. Logan felt him shiver and started to gently rub Jake's little arm. "Is this really happening?" Jake randomly asked, looking down to the side a little. "What?" Logan asked. "Am I really three years old again while my mind is still my twenty-one year old self but sometimes randomly switches to three years old?" Jake asked, looking up at his older brother with watery eyes, "Did I really just almost get kidnapped by some crazy psycho guy that possibly wants revenge? This isn't all just some weird crazy nightmare that seems to never be ending?" Logan just pulled Jake close to his chest as Jake started crying. Jake tried to stop crying and just hide his emotions, but he couldn't. He felt like he needed to let them all free, but he feels scared to. He feels weak and embarrassed. He finally stopped trying to hold in his cries and just let them free, feeling better. He wrapped his arms around Logan tightly as he cried. He full on sobbed in to Logan's chest as Logan gently rubbed his back and kissed his head. "It'll be okay," Logan whispered as Jake cried, "The doctors will fix this and I won't let anyone hurt you." Jake felt safe and protected by his older brother. He slowly stopped crying, but held on to Logan tightly, scared to see his reaction for literally having a meltdown just then. "I-I'm sorry," Jake stuttered. "Why?" Logan asked, making Jake let go of him. "For having a meltdown just then," Jake said. "Don't be," Logan said, "Jake, it's okay to cry, get scared, and get mad. It doesn't mean you're weak or stupid or anything like that. You're an amazing and strong person." Jake smiled and hugged Logan tightly. Logan laid down a little bit more, getting comfier. "So, what do you want to do?" Logan asked. Jake rolled off of Logan and laid down next to him, laying his head down on to the pillow by Logan's head. "I don't know," Jake said, "We could watch a movie." "Okay," Logan said as he grabbed the remote from the nightstand. He turned the T.V on and went on to Netflix. They picked a movie and Logan set the remote back down on to the nightstand. Jake curled up under the blanket as he watched the movie and Logan laid down under the blanket too.

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