Chapter 10

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Jake woke up to someone gently shaking him and talking softly and calmly. "Jake, you gotta get up," Logan said. Jake opened his eyes and let out a little yawn. Jake saw Logan smiling a little at him which made him smile back. "It's 9 AM," Logan said, "Gotta get up." Jake sat up and realised he's in the clothes he was in before. He then remembered what happened last night and looked over at Logan who looks like he knows what Jake's thinking. "You're gonna make me finish that conversation with you now, aren't you?" Jake asked. Logan let out a sigh and stood up. He sat down next to Jake in bed and set Jake down in his lap. "I can't force you to tell me what's wrong," Logan said, "But I am really worried about you, especially with this shrinking situation." Jake let out a sigh and looked down. "I think I know what's going on though," Logan said. Jake got nervous and started fidgeting. "You feel bad for everybody about trying to help you with this situation and like you're a huge problem," Logan said. Jake looked up at him in shock. "I know you well Jake and I started to put the clues together," Logan said, "You don't have to feel bad. We all want to help you and you're not a problem at all. All of these fun things we were doing were helping us rest too. You don't get in the way of anything. We love you so much and are always here to help each other." Jake smiled and actually felt better. He still feels kind of bad, but he does feel better because of the support and help from his family. Logan kissed Jake's head and then started tickling Jake, making Jake laugh. "STO-STOP!" Jake yelled while laughing. Logan stopped and was laughing too. "There's the big smile and laugh I know and love," Logan said. Jake blushed a little and chuckled. "Thanks Logan," Jake said and stood up. He wrapped his arms around Logan's neck and laid his head down on his shoulder. Logan hugged him back and then stood up from the bed, holding Jake. "Is breakfast ready?" Jake asked as they left his room. "Yeah," Logan said as he carries Jake downstairs, "I'm gonna tell Team 10 about how you feel because they're wondering too and wanted a family meeting." "Okay," Jake said as he thought about how he never heard from either of his parents. He isn't shocked about Greg, his dad, because he wasn't there much when he was a kid and then is like rarely ever here for Jake now. "Good morning!" Erika said with a smile as Logan carried Jake into the kitchen. "Good morning!" Everybody else said. Jake got sat down on the island and he ate his breakfast from a bowl. "I know we all probably know this and don't really want to do it," Tessa said, "but Jake is gonna need a bath." "NO!" Jake quickly yelled, embarrassed and nervous about it. "Jake, you need one," Chad said. "No, because I know someone is gonna have to help me," Jake said. "It'll probably be me," Logan said, "It's gonna be fine." "Also, we're all family and love each other a lot," Erika said. "Yeah, there's nothing to be embarrassed about," Anthony said. "Yeah," everybody said. Jake let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. "Fine," Jake said. He finished eating his breakfast and everybody else did too. Logan picked up Jake and brought him upstairs. Jake picked an outfit and Logan carried him into the bathroom.

Jake just got out of the bath and is dressed in a red shirt, black hoodie, black and red gym shorts, and black sneakers. Logan picked Jake up and sat him down on the counter top next to the sneak facing him. He dried Jake's hair more and then started combing it. He finished combing it and put a black hat on backwards. "There," Logan said. He then realized that their outfits are almost the same. Logan is wearing a red Maverick shirt, black fly together Maverick hoodie, black ripped jeans, black sneakers, and black Maverick hat on backwards. Logan chuckled softly and Jake gave him a confused look. "So, was it on purpose or an accident?" Logan asked him, "The matching outfit." "Wha-" Jake started to ask, but then stopped when he noticed, "Oops. An accident." They both laughed and Logan picked Jake up. "Thank you for helping me," Jake said. "You're welcome," Logan said as he carried Jake out of Jake's room. "How long are you gonna stay with us?" Jake asked him as they head to the stairs. "Until this is fixed," Logan said, determined to be there as much as he can for Jake and get this fixed. "You don't have to," Jake said with a frown. "I'm here for you bro and will do anything for you," Logan said as he walked downstairs, "I want to help you and be here." Jake laid his head down in Logan's shoulder, smiling. "Hey Jake, want to hang out outside?" Anthony asked as him and Chad walked in from the living room. Anthony is wearing a yellow a hoodie, blue ripped jeansx and yellow sneakers. Chad is wearing a Chad Tepper shirt, ripped jean shorts, and blue sneakers. Chad is holding his own skateboard and then a smaller one. "We know you like to skateboard so I bought a smaller one for you if you ever get bored and want to get your mind off of things," Chad explained, "Also a smaller bike out there for you, but I don't know if you can still ride without training wheels since you're smaller and seem like you forgot how to do some things." "Thanks!" Jake said as Logan set him down, "Only one way to find out I guess." "I'm gonna go start my vlog off," Logan said, "Selfie vlog style since Spencer is busy with his girlfriend today. It's their 2 year anniversary today." "Okay," Jake said as they went outside. They went over to the skate ramp and Chad started skateboarding on it. Jake set his mini skateboard down and Anthony helped him get on and keeo his balance. Jake tried skateboarding and almost fell, but Anthony caught him. "Man, I can't do anything now!" Jake snapped. Anthony frown and knelt down in front of him. "I know this is really hard for you with all of this shrinking down stuff, but all of us are here for you," Anthony said, "Earlier today while you were picking an outfit before your bath, Logan stepped out and told Erika why you were really sad yesterday." Chad came down from the skate ramp and knelt down next to Anthony. "She told the rest of us," Anthony said, "We're all here for you and want to help you." "Yeah, you're not a problem either," Chad said, "We're family and we stick together. You have always been here for us and now it's our turn to be here for you." Jake smiled and hugged them both. "Thanks," Jake said as they broke away from the hug. "No problem," Anthony said as him and Chad stood up. "Now, let's reteach you how to skateboard," Chad said. Jake got back on and tried again.

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