Chapter 13

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        Jake is holding a little bit of pink cotton candy in his hand. Logan fixed Jake's backwards hat since it was crooked a little as they walked inside the building. It's warmer inside than it is outside and the sound of people talking and the music playing in the background echoes throughout the place. "Let's look for the booths that give out free candy," Jake said as he reaches into the bag of cotton candy for more. "We just ate and you are eating cotton candy," Logan said as he stood off to the side as he looked around the busy building filled with booths. "I always have room for candy and we can save it for later," Jake said. "We have candy back at the house already too," Logan said, "You have enough sweets for now. We'll probably get a lot more once everyone else is here." "Okay Mr. Protective Older Brother," Jake said in a kind of deep voice and rolled his eyes. "Hey, just because you're mind isn't changed doesn't mean I won't make you be in time-out still," Logan said. Jake immediately shut up and ate the cotton candy. Logan smirked and chuckled a little. "I think I'm getting the hang of this parenting thing," Logan said. "You always been good at it," Jake mumbled softly, Logan just about hearing it. "What?" Logan asked and looked at Jake. "Huh?" Jake asked, shocked Logan heard him. "I always been good at parenting?" Logan asked, confused and shock. He leaned against the wall and still held Jake and the bag of cotton candy. "I-I didn't say that," Jake said. "Yeah you did," Logan said and smiled a little. Jake let out a sigh and grabbed another little handfull of cotton candy from the bag. "Yeah," Jake said softly, "I mean, like, even before I was shrunken down, you always been here for me and helped me with everything and even lectured me a little with stuff. You're protective of me and kind of take care of me out here in L.A. Even back in Ohio sometimes too since Mom worked a lot." Jake's face went red a little and he just ate the cotton candy. "Oh," Logan said softly and smiled a little again, "Well, I care about you a lot and want to help you. I'm always here for you and will probably get mad at you if you do something stupid and almost get hurt." Jake smiled and laid his head down on Logan's shoulder. He yawned, tired already from all of the excitement. "How about you take a nap until they get here," Logan suggested as he walked over to some booths to check them out. "Okay," Jake mumbled tiredly. After a few minutes, Logan heard a soft snore from Jake and chuckled. He ended up getting some candy for Jake anyway and kept it in a blue, paper gift bag he got from a booth. "You're lucky I love you, bro," Logan mumbled as he put some candy in it and the people at the booth laughed a little. Logan laughed too and walked away.

        It's 4:30 now and Logan is waiting by the front gates for the rest of them. They all walked over and awed at the sleeping Jake in Logan's arms. Logan threw out the empty cotton candy bag and saw Erika has a string backpack. She let him put the paper gift bag with some stuff from some booths he got in it in the backpack. "Jake, wake up," Anthony said as he soft shook Jake. Jake yawned and slowly opened his eyes. He brought his head up and saw them all and gave them a tired smile. "You fell asleep on us," Mike said with a smile. "Jake!" Tydus said with a huge smile, excited, "I want to go on some rides with you!" "Okay, even though I went on almost all of the rides I can go on already," Jake said and everyone laughed, "But I didn't go on some because I wanted to go on them with you." Logan set Jake down and Tydus hugged him. "Let's go!" Tydus said and started jumping up and down. "Oh gosh, I'm still waking up," Jake said and yawned, "Give me a few minutes." Everyone laughed again and Jake did too. "Let's go in some fun houses together first," Tessa said. "Jake took me in two of them already," Logan said, "Except that huge one." "Yeah, I love fun houses!" Jake said, getting excited again. "Yeah!" Tydus said. "I'm down," Anthony said. "Same," Chad said. Everybody else agreed and they all started walking to the fun houses. Tydus held Jake's and Trav's hand. He is jumping up and down with a huge smile on his face. Jake is excited again too now and he can't help the huge smile on his face too. "I want to go on the teacups after, Dad!" Tydus said. "Okay, Mom and I can take you and RyRy there after," Trav said. "Can Jake come too?" Tydus asked. "That's up to Jake," Trav said. "I love the teacups, so I'll go with you," Jake said. "Yay!" Tydus said and Jake laughed, loving how happy Tydus can get easily. He can relate now though since he gets really happy easily too now. They reached a huge fun house and all let the worker scan their wristbands they have on. They all let Jake and Tydus lead the way. "These mirror mazes give me headaches," Spencer said. "Same," Anthony and Erika said at the sametime. "Found it!" Tydus, who is in the lead holding onto Jake's hand who is holding Trav's hand, yelled. They went up some stairs and then had to walk on some weird floors. There was a vibrating floor, spinning floor, moving back and forth floor, and then through a doorway with ribbon hanging down. "Weee!" Tydus and Jake said as they stood on the moving back and forth floor, going back and forth with it. Jake started laughing with Tydus and everyone else did too. Erika, Tessa, and Cor record them with their phones and saved the video and then posted it on their stories. Logan came over and helped them get off the foor. They then all walked upstairs again and are on the top floor. Their are weird mirrors lined up again and a slide at the end. "SLIDE!" Tydus yelled with a huge smile on his face. "Slide!" RyRy said excitedly. Cor is holding RyRy right now. "Yas queen!" Chad said in a preppy voice as he posed in front of a weird mirror that makes him look wider. "Oh my gosh, Chad!" Erika said while dying of laughter. Everyone else is too and Jake stood in front of a mirror that's next to the mirror Chad is looking in. It made Jake look taller and Jake did a soft, cute gasp. "I'm tall again!" Jake said and everyone laughed. He posed and everyone laughed even more. "Yas queen, work it!" Anthony said in a preppy voice. "Yessss!" Chad said in a preppy voice too. "I still got it," Jake said and snapped his fingers sassily as he walked away, but he couldn't snap well with his small fingers. Everyone laughed even more and Jake did too. It was a adorable and a little sassy, but mostly adorable since Jake is so small now and his voice is kind of higher. "That was perfect," Arie said while dying of laughter. After a few more minutes, everyone calmed down. "Let's go on rides now!" Mike yelled and everybody cheered. Logan picked Jake up as they all took turns going down the slide. Once everyone went down the slide, they all split up in groups. Jake went with Trav, Cor, Tydus, and RyRy. He walked beside them over to the Teacup ride, skipping a little, not able to help it.

         It's been like 30 minutes and Jake is still with Tydus and his family. He's been going on tons of rides with Tydus and RyRy and is actually have a ton of fun. He loves Tydus and his family so much and always enjoys hanging out with them. They're like family to him. It's different being 3 now, but it is still really fun for him still. The smaller rides for little kids is actually a lot more fun being a 3 year old for him too since he gets way more excited easily. The bigger rides also seem kind of scary for him now. They're way bigger to him now since he is way smaller and they seem faster. "We're meeting up with Logan, Mike, and Spencer," Trav said as they walk around the carnival. Cor is pushing a stroller where RyRy and Tydus are sitting in. Jake is holding Trav's hand since there are a ton of people at the carnival and Jake is so small, he could easily get lost. "I'm gonna meet up with Tessa and Erika to go on some smaller rides with RyRy," Cor said. "Okay," Trav said as he helped Tydus get out of the stroller. Cor left to find Erika and Tessa with RyRy. Tydus held Trav's other hand and they continued walking. They saw Logan, Mike, and Spencer standing next to a big ride they just got off of. They're all talking and laughing. "Hey!" Trav said as they reached them and they all said hey back. Tydus gave all 3 of them high-fives and they all act like it hurt really badly, causing Tydus to laugh. Jake is still really excited and he laughed too at that. As they were all discussing what to do next, Jake let Trav's hand go and he let Jake since they're all grouped up and not walking around. Jake was looking around and happened again. His mind randomly changed to full on 3 year old. No body seemed to notice since they're all talking. Jake looked around more and giggled a little as he rocked back and forth on his feet. He then saw all of the games and all of the people playing them and the prizes. "Oooh," Jakes said and walked over to the game section of the carnival. He saw the gold fish game and some teens playing it. He watched them throw ping pong balls at the bowls with gold fish swimming in them. He giggled as he watched the ping pong balls bounce around. He then turned around and walked back towards his family, but froze when he couldn't see them anywhere. There were tons of people walking around who are really tall compared to him. "Huh?" Jake said softly as he spun around, looking for any of his family. He feels all turned around and can't remember where they are. His eyes started to get watery and he was about to cry, but he then got distracted by the bright colors around the carnival and all the types of rides and games and food and prizes. "Oooh," he said again as he walked around in the game section.

        "Guys, where is Jake?" Logan asked when he realized Jake is gone. Trav, Mike, and Spencer looked around and didn't see him. They all started to freak out now. "Oh my gosh!" Logan said, "He isn't his normal 22 year old self! He is shrunken down to 3!!!" "That guy who tried to kidnap him is still out there in the world too!" Mike said. "Everybody, calm down," Spencer said, "His mind probably changed and he wondered off. In this huge carnival...okay, we need to find him now! He might get hurt or kidnapped!!!" "Tydus, did you see where he went?" Trav asked. Tydus nodded his head and pointed towards the game section. "Okay, Spencer, you contact everyone else and tell them," Trav said as Logan and Mike run towards that section of the carnival, "We'll start looking." "Okay," Spencer said and started texting in the Team 10 and Team Maverick groupchat.

Word Count: 2010

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