Chapter 21

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        Jake looked around and realized he's in his room. He walked over to the door and after having trouble for a bit, he was able to open it. He walked out and then over to the stairs. He looked down through the railings and slowly stopped walking when he saw his family (Team 10, Team Maverick and Pam) standing in a corner close together, scared. The creepy guy in all black clothing is standing in front of them, pointing a gun. "Hey, Jakey," the guy said, "Glad you woke up in time to watch your family die." "NO!" Jake screamed as his eyes got watery. The sound of loud bangs started going off and Jake screamed even louder while crying as he watched everyone fall down to the ground, bleeding. "NO!"Jake cried. The guy started walking up the stairs and aimed the weapon that just killed Jake's friend at Jake. Jake wanted to run, but couldn't. It's like he is frozen or his feet is glued to the floor. "Now it's your turn," the guy said and put his finger over the trigger. Jake stared at the weapon as he cried, not knowing what to do. Another loud bang went off and then everything went black.

        Jake woke up and immediately sat up, panting. He started crying and he hugged his little legs to his chest, very scared. His mind then changed to three year old mode and he started crying even harder. He heard some footsteps over his cries get closer to the door. His room door flung opened and he looked over to see his mom and older brother. "Jakey, what's wrong?" Pam asked as they quickly walked over to the bed. Jake just stuck his arms out to her as he cried. She picked him up and he hid his face into her shoulder, his little body shaking from his sobs. Logan frowned as he tried to figure out what's wrong with his little brother. "Did you have a bad dream?" Logan asked. Jake nodded his head and kept crying into Pam's shoulder. Pam remembers these cries and they always broke her heart. She hates it whenever her sons are sad, always wanting to make them happy. Logan tried to think of something to cheer Jake up and remembers he has always loved to draw, especially when he was younger. "Jake, how about we go downstairs and draw?" Logan asked. Jake's cries slowly calmed down and he brought his face up. "O-Okay," he said softly and tried to wipe some of the tears off his face. Pam smiled as she carried him out of his room, following Logan over to the stairs.

        Logan was able to find tons of paper and crayons. They're in the living room at the coffee table and Jake in standing next to Logan. Pam went to the kitchen to get them some snacks since it's 4 PM now and Jake is getting a little hungry. Jake is using a black crayon to sloppily draw two people. He then grabbed a green crayon to color the ground and then a blue crayon to color the sky. "What are you drawing?" Logan asked and started to look up from his phone that he is using to check his emails. He still has quite a bit of work to do, especially right now since he hasn't been doing much work with the shrinking situation. "No looking yet!" Jake said and quickly tried to cover it with his little arms. Logan chuckled and looked back down at his phone. Logan is leaning back against the couch and Jake is standing next to him in front of the coffee table, drawing- or, well, scribbling over the paper. "Okay," Logan said, "I'll go back to my phone." "I almost done!" Jake said and continued scribbling blue over the paper for the sky. Another minute or two passed and Jake set the crayon down. "Done!" Jake said with a big smile. Logan turned his phone off and sat up a little more. He picked the paper up and looked at it. "It's really good," Logan said with a smile as he carefully looked at all of it. The top half of the paper has blue scribbled all over it and then the bottom has green scribbled all over it. In the middle are two black sloppily drawn stick figures. The one on the left is shorter than the one on the right and they're holding hands. Smiley faces are drawing in the heads. "That's me!" Jake said as he pointed at the smaller person and then he moved his finger to the bigger person, "That's you!" Logan did think at first that, that was what Jake drew, but he then thought it wasn't because he didn't know why Jake would draw them. Logan smiled a little bit more as he looked at the drawing. "Do you like it?" Jake asked. Logan set the drawing down and then gently dragged Jake closer to him. He made Jake sit in his lap and hugged Jake tightly. "I love it," Logan said and kissed Jake's head before he started tickling Jake, making Jake laugh. Logan stopped tickling Jake, laughing too now. "I found some fruit snacks and apple juice," Pam said as she walked out of the kitchen. She set the carton of apple juice and opened bag of fruit snacks down on the coffee table next to Jake's drawing. "Yay!" Jake yelled and grabbed the bag of fruit snacks. He started eating it while Pam and Logan talked. "Logan, shouldn't you head back to your house for at least a day to check on your animals and get new clothes?" Pam asked. "I want to stay here with everyone to make sure everyone is okay, especially Jake," Logan said and looked down at Jake, "I want to make sure I'm here for him and I told him I wouldn't let anyone hurt him, especially that creep. I told myself I would protect everyone." Pam frowned, knowing who Logan is talking about when he said "creep" since she heard about it already. "How about you just go there today to get some new clothes and can bring your pets here," Pam suggested, "Jake and I can go with you so I can help you and if it'll make you feel better." Logan let out a sigh and knows he should go back home at some point, even just for like an hour or two. "I don't really want to leave everyone else, but okay," Logan said and looked at his mom, "Most of them are busy with business right now anyway." "Yay!" Pam said, "I wasn't planning on going anywhere today, but it's just to your house, so it's fine. It'll be like a little family trip!" Logan laughed and Pam ended up laughing too. "Once Jake finishes his snack, we'll go," Logan said with a smile. "Okay," she said and then looked at Jake, "You're a very good older brother, by the way. I'm proud of you. I love how close and protective you two are with each other and everyone else as well." Logan smiled and looked back down at Jake too. "Thanks, Mom," he said softly. "Of course, sweetie," she said and smiled at her oldest son, "I love you." "I love you too," Logan said as he looked at her again and smiled back.

Just a fluffy chapter. Nothing really happened besides the nightmare lol sorry!

Word Count: 1253

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