Chapter Three

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Heather Chandler's POV

I strutted through the hall, leading my gang of beautiful girls. Besides Duke, she wasn't the prettiest, I'd say. Pretty alright by my standards, and I'm a raging lesbian. The girls didn't know that though, nobody did. And nobody would. I was going to find a man I could pretend to love and marry him, not a beautiful girl.

We arrived at our lunch table with no words exchanged and I sat down, dismissing the girls to get in the lunchline. All of them went besides (y/n), who'd brought her lunch. So I had to be stuck, alone, next to a very cute girl, since I wasn't hungry today.

"So, how're you enjoying your free trial of the Heathers?" I asked, hiding how flustered I was from my voice. She bought it, seeing as she flinched, and looked up with her gorgeous (e/c) eyes.

"I uhhhh..... I r-really! Really... errrr.... I really l-like it.... here..." She stammered, and boy was it cute.

"Ram has a big party tomorrow night. You're coming with us, I'll pick you up." I stated, looking straight at her. She blushed and nodded profusely.

"A-are you sure? I mean... you did... you didn't really want me talking to him e-earlier right? I-I mean I can totally... I can totally g-go if you want me to!" She squeaked, averting her gaze to the sleek tabletop.

"You don't need to talk to him at his party. I'll stay with you." I offered, well more like commanded but I was trying. And just then, ruining the peace, came the Heathers and Veronica. Nobody separated us two though, they just made her scoot down. Our lunch table is one of the few that's a booth, so she was pushed very close to me, and I loved it.

"Alrighty, plans for the party?" McNamara broke the silence.

"What about we split up in two cars?" Duke offered. I almost told her to shut up, but I didn't since that's an alright idea.

"Who's taking who?" Veronica asked, looking pretty bored with all this. (y/n) didn't particularly look enthusiastic either, and I felt myself deflate in confidence a bit.

"There's five of us... Ronnie, Dukie, and me, can go in Dukie's Jeep, so (y/n) and Chandler are left in the Porsche." McNamara decided happily. She really was all sunshine and rainbows. The others nodded in agreement. I'd be alone in my car with (y/n), and I was a driver so I couldn't even get drunk. But I got the feeling she didn't plan on drinking either, so we could find some apple juice or something together.

"It's cool with me." I was more than cool with this plan. I feel heat creep to my cheeks and I look at (y/n). She just nodded along with me, so I feel confidence burst in my chest. She wanted be alone in my car, with me, alone, in my car, alone, in my car. I was lost in thought, repeating all that crap. I hate how distracted I got around (y/n), but she was so pretty so how was I supposed to help it? I bit my cherry red lip gently, looking at the group.

I noticed Duke give me a knowing smirk. Did she see me blushing at (y/n)? I pulled a fierce scowl and looked away, scanning the caf, filled to the brim with students I'd never really care about. I was royalty, the drop-dead gorgeous bitch in charge. I basically ran the school more than the faculty.

And yet I was blushing over some girl that'd probably end up at some good school, marrying a handsome lawyer who'd hate his job and melt when he saw her. I didn't care. I'd be happy without her. So happy. Very, very happy.

Nope, I wasn't fooling myself for a second.

She had me in a fucking choke-hold or something, seeing as I could hardly breathe around her.


(658 words)

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