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(y/n)'s POV

And now here I am, looking at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a fluffy white dress and my hair, after growing out, is in a delicate braided bun. Today will be the best day of my life.

Today, I am marrying the love of my life, Heather Chandler. I bet she'll look even prettier than I ever could in her dress.

It's 2015 and we're 43 years young, getting married not long after it was legalized for wlw or mlm couples to get married, though we had an informal ceremony not long after we graduated on senior year.

We knew we always wanted to stay together, so before we went off to college we made a promise to email every day and call as much as we could. After college we moved in together, and soon after Veronica and our good buddy Mac started dating, and they're still together.

I always knew they'd be a good couple. 

I hear a door open and I peer around to see my good friend Veronica. My God, I love that girl so much. 

"You look like a princess," She tells me with that soft smile that only comes out of special occasions. But I guess today is pretty special, huh?

"I tried. Could you lace me up in the back?" I ask, turning around. I'm only alone because once I got dressed and my makeup was done, the artists left me to my own devices, leaving me here in this super white room with hella good lighting. 

She nods and goes to tie the strings holding the dress up in the back. It's long and white, obviously, with a medieval look that I'm having a lot of fun with. Especially since the sleeves are long and wide, so if I want I could probably slap someone with just my sleeve.

The wedding isn't huge or elaborate as you'd think for a Chandler, but it's going to be perfect. Only our closest friends from high school and college are coming, along with the parts of our families that didn't disown us. That's why it's not huge or elaborate, since almost everyone on her side hates her for being gay. It breaks my heart, it truly does, but I know that she wouldn't be happy if she chose to marry straight and leave me. We've been in love all this time, since before we truly met. And everything held up, by God I still love her with all of my heart.

"You excited to marry your high school sweetheart?" My best friend asks me after finishing the laces and tying them into a delicate bow, before picking up my veil and draping it over my eyes.

"I wish I could've legally married her sooner," I laugh with a smile, and with little tears misting my eyes because of how happy I am. We had an informal ceremony after high school and never told anyone. That's why we made the promise to keep in touch, because we regarded each other as wives. We'd been through hell and back together, and we knew that it would work out. Sure, you may say we were young idiots, but we knew that what we felt was real life true love. 

And now we'll get the papers to prove that we're married. 

"You ready to walk down that aisle? Your dad's ready and Heather's down there already." Veronica punches me on the shoulder fondly. 

"Yeah, I think I am. Does it all look okay?" I ask, feeling panic rise in my chest. She quickly places her arms on my biceps soothingly. I take a deep breath and exhale softly.

"You look beautiful, now let's get moving because I'm supposed to be out there walking with Mac in a minute or two," Ronnie assures, grabbing my hand to drag me out to where everyone is waiting. My father is right there, extending an arm to me while Veronica rushes to get to her spot in line. 

I was surprised when my father came around in support of me being with Heather, but he didn't talk to me for a good decade, until I was 28. But now we're on good terms and he's willing to walk me down the aisle. 

Soon enough, the first pair, with Veronica and Mac, are walking down the aisle. Then another pair, then another, and a couple more go by before it's my turn.

I feel everyone looking at me, but all I can see is Heather. She looks fantastic in a body-con mermaid dress that's actually a very light shade of pink. 

I feel tears well up in my eyes and I see her gasp and lightly cover her mouth her with hand, showing off her bright red manicure that she got yesterday. I can't reach her soon enough, but I'm in heels so I can't be running up to her. 

I finally make it to her and reach over to hold her hands, because if I can't make out with her on the spot or wrap her in a hug, I need some form of touch. I need to feel her soft skin on mine and remind her how much I love her, because I never expressed it enough when we were young and I can't get enough of telling her. She moves her hands momentarily to lift my veil and throw it behind me, making me chuckle.

The priest starts droning on, but I'm locked in my silent stare with Heather. I really should be listening at my own wedding, but right now I don't particularly give a damn because I'd rather look into my lover's blue eyes.

Everything goes by in a blur, and soon enough she's swooping down to kiss me, being in taller heels and having always been taller than me. I hear an uproar uproar of cheering and clapping, but I don't care. I'm with my official wife, and I couldn't be happier.

This was my story about how I fell in love with my beloved Heather Chandler. There were amazing ups and horrifying downs, and even multiple deaths involved, but I know I made the right choice. I control the story, and I say I stay with her the rest of my life.

And I will.

~+The end+~

(1054 words)

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