Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Heather Chandler's POV

I leaned in, kissing (y/n) softly at her doorstep. She smiled into it, chasing my lips with hers after my attempt to pull away.

"I'll miss you," she said gently, earning a burst of laughter from me.

"You'll see me on Monday!" I argued with a chuckle. She gave a childish pout.

"Too long!" She whined, smile breaking through. I laughed.

"Goodnight," I said, gently shutting the door in her face. I started my way to the car, which I'd parked a little ways away so that we could walk together. I felt my face heat up, settling into a giddy grin. I was in love.

"Oh hey, Heather. Fancy seeing you here," I heard venom dripping from the voice. I almost immediately recognized it.

"Hello, Heather. What're you doing here?" I responded curtly, turning to see the girl who no longer wore green, favoring red and black instead.

"The better question is, what are you doing here? Dropping your girlfriend off at her house, perhaps?" She smiled, slow and sly. It reminded me of a Disney villain, almost cartoonishly unreal on an actual person. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"I never should have come out to you," I growled, hands tightening into fists. It was now I realized that I was cornered. She'd backed me up into a small alley between two houses and I didn't even realize. I gulped, hands shaking a bit. I didn't know who else could be here and I didn't know what she wanted. 'What if' situations danced in my head as adrenaline started pumping.

"You're right, but you did. And now the pretty little Heather will be ruined. First your face, then your reputation. I will have everything you love," she said it lowly, and my fists tightened even further. I didn't want to have to punch her, or anyone for that matter, but if she wasn't blatantly lying then I would have to.

I didn't get time to even think of swinging when something hit me if the jaw, making me stumble back into the wall of the house behind me. A shooting pain went up my face and through my veins, but I hardly could feel it. I swung at her nose, but didn't land since she dodged, punching me in the ribs.

I hit my back against the brick wall behind me, which was sure to leave a bruise. I slapped her in the face and ran, nearly tripping as I sprinted to the car. My ankles hurt from my feet pounding against the ground. I could hardly think.

My face hurt.

My back hurt.

My stomach hurt.

My hand hurt.

Hurt, hurt, hurt.

Everything hurt, everything was pulsing, drumming, pounding. I saw a figure run to the car when I glanced back before I plopped into the seat, breathing heavily. I started the car as the figure, that I knew was Heather Duke, was mere meters away from reaching me.

I didn't know where I was going, since my house was the other way. I was just driving. I didn't know where I felt safe, Heather had a darkness in her eyes that hadn't been there a month ago. My fingertips tingled, burning hot.

It wasn't smart to turn around, it wasn't smart to park so far away, it wasn't smart to not just walk away from the ticking time bomb.

But even ten minutes ago, I never would have expected to get in a fight ever, let alone while getting home after a date.

Somewhere along the line I think I turned around so that I could finally get home. I just wanted to sleep.

I wanted to fall asleep and never get up and face Heather or my parents or the school again. I knew that Heather would tell the school that I was gay and she punched me for it, being considered a hero and making me an outcast freak loser. Even (y/n) wouldn't talk to me now, she'd be too scared of outing herself. Duke would surely mention us dating.

I wouldn't blame (y/n) for staying away though. I didn't want her to face our classmate's hostility after being outed.

I didn't want anything that happened after dropping her off to happen.

Oh my god, what if Heather went after (y/n)?

She clearly hadn't been in her right mind, and I left and didn't protect her.

I needed to phone her immediately after I got home. Lucky me, that would be just a couple of minutes. Maybe her pretty voice would distract me from the throbbing pain in my, well, everywhere.

My fists tightened around the steering wheel. This day sure was one hell of a confusing time. First date with my girlfriend as of yesterday, first fist fight. What more would be waiting once I got home? I'd get abducted by aliens who wanted to dissect me and eat my brain, eyeballs and liver? With the way this day was going, I would hardly bat an eye.

I pulled into my driveway, nearly collapsing in relief. I stumbled in the door, regretting every single one of my life choices leading up until now.

"Out drinking until 9:30 again, Heather?" I heard an all too familiar voice tease me, not an ounce of kindness in it.

"Got into a fight and ran away. Ankles hurt from running, Mother," I explained curtly. She grimaced.

"How unladylike. Young lady, we have a reputation to uphold in this town." She chastised, wagging a finger in my face. I rolled my eyes.

"Your young lady was hardly visible to anyone and it was in self defense. Goodnight," I spat back calmly before stumbling up the dark magnolia steps, feeling warmth in my stomach at the thought of calling (y/n).

I opened my door, revealing an expanse of red, gold, and velvet.

I made my way to the phone in the corner of my room and dialed the familiar number by muscle memory. I winced as the phone rang, and held it up to my face. I wished I could lay in bed while on the phone.

"Hey, Heather! What's up? I miss you," she said into the phone excitedly, making me forget the stinging pain in my body.

"It's so good to hear your voice. I was worried," I said. I was so overcome with relief. Heather hadn't hurt her, luckily.

"Baby what's wrong?" I heard concern and urgency in her voice, making me regret the vagueness of my words.

"Duke found me on the way to the car. Roughed me up a bit and threatened to out me. I was worried she'd hurt you since it was so close," I explained, and heard (y/n) gasp, and soon a sniffle followed.

"I'm coming over," she said, and I tried to tell her no but she hung up on me. I sighed, stumbling over to collapse on my bed. She knew where to find me.

(1168 words)

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