Chapter Twenty-Four

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(y/n)'s POV

I grinned as I thought of my lunchtime plans, warmth flooding my cheeks. Hanging out at McDonald's with a beautiful, hot, sweet, amazing girl. A lovely girl who liked me and was happy to show it.

And now I was willing to admit that I liked her too. I didn't know the full extent, but my permanently warm cheeks around her and how often I though of her pointed to falling in love.

Holy fuck I was in love with Heather Chandler. The red-hot beauty that ran the school with an iron fist but still managed to have the softest of soft sides.

I felt myself drifting off into a fantasy where I saw her face mere inches from mine. She was giving me that breathless, amazed look that she always gave me. I leaned in just the smallest bit closer, and she followed. Her face was red as her blazer at the point, and her eyes flickered down to my lips.

With one quick motion I closed the gap between us, leading her into a soft and sweet kiss, full of love and passion and everything I felt for her. Which was a lot of stuff.

The bell rang and I flinched, whipping my head to both sides, looking around my classroom in confusion. The students were filing out.

I grinned when I realized it was lunchtime, so I could put everything in my locker and go to Heather's car. McNamara and Veronica would probably be joining us, but I could ask if they could get their own table. Or, knowing them, they'd just automatically do it. They really really wanted us together. They'd totally be understanding about it and be like "Go get her!" and "Awwwww, you guys are so cute! Invite me to the wedding!"

"Hey, purple-face, get in here!" I heard from across the parking lot and saw the three girls lounging against the cherry red Porsche. I was kinda surprised their sky-high heels weren't scratching up the pristine car, but hey, this was a love story so who needs physics?

"Sorry, the hallways were super crowded," I apologized, earning a chuckle from Mac.

"It's alright, but we don't have forever, so let's get moving! (y/n) gets shotgun," she smiled mischievously while climbing in the back. Chandler discreetly shot her a glare. I say discreetly but I knew full well because I was staring at her.

"Guess you're stuck with me," I smiled at her after we were both in. She started the car and glanced over with a genuine smile.

"Oh no, because I would totally hate that," we both grinned as she drove the short way to the closest McDonald's.

"I know, I'm pretty insufferable," I laughed. She snorted.

"As if, babe. We're here, everyone," She announced, gracefully sliding from her seat. How the fuck did she always do that? I, on the other hand, tumbled out like a newborn giraffe.

"A graceful young horse emerges from its nest, attempting to walk the moor to its next meal," Veronica narrated in an Australian accent. A pretty bad one, I would say.

"Dear god, Ronnie, get a good accent," Chandler teased. I gently slapped her arm in response. She just kissed my cheek, walking up to the building and leaving me a flustered mess. Ronnie dragged me to the McDonalds, grabbing my wrist with a vise-like grip.

"Go eat with your girlfriend, Mac and I will be at another table," she said with a smile.

"Yo, could you maybe order for me? I'll pay you and all, it's just that ordering food gives me anxiety," I asked her.

"Sure, of course! Have you met me, why wouldn't I? What do ya want?"

"(m/o/c) please, thank you so fucking much." I grinned at her gratefully. She nodded and I slipped a ten into her hands.

"No problemo my pal, now go sit with your girlfriend, I'll bring you your food once it's done," She flashed a smile and pushed me away while lining up. Mac already was sitting, Chandler being a couple people in front of Veronica in line. I decided on a booth near a window for Heather and I, since it reminded me a bit of our table in the caf. 

She glanced back at me and my heart did a thing or two. Like it paused its normal pattern of "ba-bump, ba-bump"ing for a solid second, and my face went red and hot. I smiled at her and she followed suit.

 She then, sadly, had to turn to the cashier to order her fucking burger. So that took a couple minutes, which made it really great that our school had really long lunch periods. She then finished socializing with the bored 20-something year old and strutted over to me. Not even intentionally, that's literally just how she walked. It was like she ran the world and she knew it.

I mean, she ran my world, so I guess she wasn't wrong.

(831 words)

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