Chapter Twenty

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Heather Chandler's POV

I giggled at (y/n)'s stupid joke. We'd been outside for hours now, and it was dark outside. The stars glistened brightly overhead, but I focused more on the stars in her (e/c) eyes. Ronnie and Dean were laughing along with us, but they were just background noise. (y/n) looked so happy, grinning widely with her dimples on full display.

"Your dimples are cute," I complimented her, and her face lit up, growing pink.

"Oh, thanks. Dimples are actually a mutation, so am I your favorite mutant?" She laughed. I admired her face as she giggled at her own joke.

"Why, of course!" I reached over and gently kissed the corner of her lips. My red lip stick left a mark right next to the right side of her mouth, but it was no competition for the redness in her face. I felt my heart hammer in my chest, sinking a little bit. What if she hated me now? I thought she'd been flirting but what if she was just friendly and I read the signs wrong?

"Dork," she whispered softly, leaning over to kiss my left cheek. I glanced to Veronica and JD, who were watching us. Veronica looked thrilled, wearing a huge grin that exposed her gums. JD looked furious, nearly ready to chop my head off. I suppressed a shiver of fear. He always struck me as dangerous person but I ignored it. And now he glared daggers straight at me. 

And I got the feeling he could do more harm than I figured before.

"So, when's the wedding?" Ronnie teased. I racked my flustered brain for a decent response, but came up short.

"Oh next April, you?" (y/n) responded, rolling her eyes with a lazy smile.

"Oh, next September. Fall is so lovely!" She said in a posh accent.

"Well, I do agree. I expect to be your maid of honor," (y/n) used the same accent. Was this an inside joke or something? God my almost-girlfriend was adorkable. She looked more tired now, but her (h/c) hair shone in the Ohio starlight.

"Hey, you look tired, want me to drive you home?" I asked her gently. Her gaze snapped to mine and she looked into my eyes for a couple seconds before nodding.

"Yeah, I have an audition tomorrow, I should probably get going. It was lovely hanging out with you two tonight, we should have a double date sometime or something," She gave a sleepy smile before getting up. My heart surged. She wanted to go on a date with me? Yes, this was legendary, she was amazing. I felt my face form a huge smile, and hers did the same. I took her hand and led her to my car to bring her home.


I felt some emotion surge through my veins. It was... unpleasant. Some mixture of red hot anger that threatened to burn me alive and cold sadness that felt as if my blood was being drained from my body. 

I saw the red Porsche get smaller and smaller as it drove them down the road. I glanced to Veronica and saw her looking up at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked gently, likely seeing whatever expression I was showing.

"Nothing important," I responded gruffly. She set her hand on mine, as a 'comforting' gesture. I, needless to say, felt no comfort come from it.

"You're not alone, you can tell me what's up." She pressed on. I considered telling her, but it'd break her heart and she'd run straight to (y/n) and I didn't need her finding out. But maybe she was just that nice, and could help? I decided I might as well tell her.

"This is hard to say, but I... I'm not into you. I liked (y/n) since the second I met her. I'm so sorry," I whispered. Veronica flinched, hand flying upward like mine had physically burned hers. Her big eyes widened and tears rushed to fill them.

"So, what you're saying is... you never liked me? Why'd you agree to go out with me?"

"I figured, well, she's into Heather, and that maybe I could learn to love you. You're a lovely girl, I really thought I could,"

"Well, thank you. I guess I respect that. I'm gonna go home now. Bye," She stood up to leave. I watched her walk home, feeling empty. The anger left, now replaced with a hollow place where I though my heart used to be. 

My love left, Veronica left, everything had just up and left me alone, sitting criss-cross applesauce on Ram Sweeney's porch. What a cool person I was. I got up to ride my motorbike home. I really, really hoped Veronica wouldn't tell (y/n) about my little confession, but if I knew anything about people, she would. I needed to go to fucking 7-Eleven.

Veronica's POV

I glanced back to see a silhouette ride the other direction on a motorcycle, so I figured JD was leaving too. Oh, JD.

I choked back a pathetic sob. I needed to go to (y/n)'s house. I didn't care if she had just gotten home, I needed my best friend right now. She should know about JD, and I needed someone right now. I knew most people in my situation would blame her, but it wasn't her fault JD didn't like me. She was a good, supportive person and I understood. Right now, I just wanted a hug.

I saw a cherry red Porsche coming down the road towards me and I examined the driver, trying to see if it was Heather. It stopped next to me and through the window, I saw it was indeed her. I went to open the door to ask her to drive me. (y/n) made her a nicer person nowadays, so I guessed she probably would.

"Veronica, what's the matter?" She gasped, studying me.

"JD doesn't like me. He's into (y/n)," I wailed. She reached over to hug me quickly.

"What about I bring you to (y/n)'s house, or ask (y/n)'s parents if I can grab her back and we get McNamara and have a sleepover? I have chocolate ice cream," She offered gently. I nodded.

"Yeah, let's get her and Mac. Ice cream sounds amazing right now," I gave a sad smile. I'd allow myself a day or two to be sad, then move on. It would be easier with my friends around me.

"Could we maybe pick up Martha Dunnstock too?"

(1082 words)

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