Chapter Eight

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(y/n)'s POV

I felt my heart race and my face flush as Heather Chandler put an arm around me. We were watching movies at her place and having tons of tasty snacks, when she decided that we desperately needed to be even closer.

I didn't disagree with her, to be fair.

I knew I wasn't even really paying attention to the movie, but I couldn't help it. She was shockingly warm and soft, and her shoulder pad was a pretty good pillow. I looked over at her face. Her jawline was sharp and beautiful, but her blue eyes were soft and kind. Her rosy lips were slightly parted, and holy fuck I wanted to kiss them. Why did I want to kiss them? I didn't like her that much. Sure, I knew I had a tiny crush but I wasn't pining. She was just... nice to look at.

I quickly looked back at the screen which was playing some old black-and-white movie I didn't care about, but I didn't want to be caught staring. She was clearly straight, and staring would just give her a bad impression, and she'd probably kick me out and call me a "dyke" or "freak".

But I pretended to be cold to snuggle closer, so a point or two to (y/n)? I heard her breath hitch a little bit and I grinned, nuzzling her shoulder. It was hard not to, plus maybe if I acted super straight elsewhere I could play it off as platonic? I mean, I wasn't out to them yet, so that made it easier.

But then, a tragic thing happened.

Heather got up.

I awkwardly fell to the side without her supporting me, and she turned to look at me. She looked like she wanted to burst out laughing.

"You both should probably go home, it's late and we ran out of snacks." She went to turn the lights on, causing me to blink at the harsh light. I'd forgotten McNamara was here, but when I looked over, she too looked startled.

"Cool. I'll see you later." I went to walk out the door to walk home, because it was only 7:30 and McNamara and I lived really close so we could watch over one another.

"Don't even think of walking to your damn house (y/n). I'm driving you both home." Chandler called out behind me and I just looked back and shrugged.

"Nice! Your car's comfier than walking." McNamara grinned and got up, smoothing out her skirt and brushing off the inevitable snack crumbs. Chandler nodded and went to go grab her keys, which she'd discarded in the kitchen when we got here.

"Do you like Chandler?" McNamara asked after she'd safely left the room. I looked at her with wide eyes and my heart rate sped up exponentially.

"I do- why would you? I-I... what?" I stammered, looking down at the ornate carpet.

"Because, you're awfully flustered around her, huh? Plus the cuddling and corn nuts are a bit of a dead giveaway." She giggled, probably sporting a huge smirk.

"I'm just... k-kinda... I'm a bit... I just act awkward and... stuff." Why exactly did I have to suck at excuses? Fuck me, fuck my life, fuck fuck fuck. And did I mention, fuck?

"You don't act like that with Duke. Or Ronnie. Or me." She stated. Dammit,  she was right. I was less awkward and uncomfortable around them than Chandler and it showed. Well, I was also awkward and uncomfortable in a different way, but that also showed.

"You ready?" Chandler interrupted, spinning the keys to her car on her finger. I made eye contact and smiled, nodding.

"Yep! We were just having some small talk. Let's go!" McNamara rushed to the door. 'Small talk' my ass. But she's a good liar, so Chandler seemed convinced. She looked back and me and locked my hand in hers to drag me out to the car. Oh my god, she was holding my hand and she was so pretty. At the moment, I felt so very gay.

(678 words)

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