Chapter Thirty-Six

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(y/n)'s POV

I snuggled deeper into Heather's side on the park bench. We were looking out on a lake just after the sun had set, ducks and turtles still around if you looked hard enough.

"Yeah, and that girl told me that my lipstick shade was wrong and that I needed to take it off! I'm sorry I know the difference between cherry red and coral!" She joked, clearly still a bit bitter.

"Some girls are insane, babe. But hey, at least they're not murderous psychopaths!" I soothed, patting her arm that was around my narrow shoulders. She turned and gave me a wink.

"I mean, if you think that coral is red you might as well be genuinely insane," She shot back, making me nod.

"You are definitely not wrong." I said thoughtfully.

"You ready to go? I'm freezing out here. Short sleeves weren't a good idea," I could see goosebumps rising on her pale skin, and without even thinking took off my jacket, draping it gently around her shoulders.

"But you-"

"My dress has long sleeves, Heather. You're shivering, just wear the damn jacket," I commanded, summoning all the authority I could and infusing it into my voice.

She nodded wordlessly, putting her arms through the sleeves and leaning into me. I grinned at the adorable figure, practically sitting on top of me. I rubbed my hands up and down her arms, hardly touching the soft cloth draped around her, just ghosting it with my touch. I liked the way she shivered just a bit, clearly not from the cold.

We sat in a comfortable silence, watching the sky get darker and darker. The stars and almost-full moon provided the only light in the part, illuminating her face with a cold glow.

"You're... you're great, ya know," she whispered hesitantly. My hands found their way to her back to do the same motion as what was previously on her arms. A small smile found its way onto my lips, contrasting against her nervousness.

"Is that so? I'm glad to be even tolerable next to the best, most beautiful girl to ever exist," I responded after a second of silence, tense because of her fear that I'd reject her. Despite the fact that we were together and currently on a date. As if I'd run and leave her stranded with an empty heart, her car, and a jacket she didn't own.

"Why do you describe yourself when I'm trying to be romantic?" Heather scolded, a new lightness in her tone. She was clearly relieved that I responded positively, just like I would for the very rest of my life. I was enthralled with this girl, I drank in every second together, every brush of our fingers, every bit of eye contact that lasted just a moment too long to be "just friends".

"It's not my fault you can't take my compliments!" I gently swatted her arm and she quickly returned the favor.

"Stop being so goddamn perfect then!"

"Perfect is impossible, I'm just the next best thing. Well, after you," I kissed her neck. Not in a sexual manor, just that it was nice to be intimate and couple-y somewhere technically public without worry of being killed.

Heather stayed silent, as if afraid to talk for some reason. My hands went back to ghosting her arms lightly, drawing little hearts and circles and stars. She shivered a bit, and I held the jacket closer to her, and she leaned into my hardly-touch. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, examining the stars that twinkled so brightly up overhead.

Those stars up there, dancing alongside the moon, they were so beautiful. Carefree, charming, just specs of light in the sky. Allowed to be free of pollution and hate and everything that corrupted the world that I knew during the hours with sunlight streaming through my blinds.

"This was a really good date," I whispered after a couple minutes of comfortable silence. Just two girls cuddling and enjoying the sky tonight.

"I agree," she turned to me, face illuminated by the pale light that sparkled above us, many miles in the sky.

"Wanna go on another next weekend?" I offered, giving a cheeky grin. She rolled her eyes.

"I oughta turn you down for that cockiness," she sassed. I pressed a hand over my heart in mock offense.

"And I gave your family my goats for your hand in marriage!" I gasped, gently pushing her off.

"What's a couple goats to you?" She shrugged, slapping my arm playfully.

"My entire livelihood, all of my friends, food-" I listed off, eyes twinkling at our delightful banner.

"God, you're such a nerd. Yeah, I wanna go on a date. Maybe to that one art museum you said you like?" She pondered.

"I can't say no to that amazing, and very specific offer. Deal," I fake spit in my hand to shake and she quickly followed suit. We, the pair of deliriously tired girls that probably needed a nap, burst into a fit of laughter, swelling through the crisp autumn air as some colorful leaves fluttered down from trees.

The air was still and quiet besides our loud, shrieking laughter that was cutting through Bear Burrow Park in the little town known as Sherwood, Ohio.

I felt content, laughing my ass off so hard that my stomach hurt. Heather's face was turning a bit red, especially in the cheeks and on the tip of her nose.

"What about you drive me home soon?" I asked after we both calmed down enough to speak. She nodded, taking my hand and brushing off her jeans.

"Yeah, it's getting late. Your mom may have my head on a stick that she waves around for show, if you turn up late. Let's motor," she forcibly dragged me out of our little grove, ready to jam in her car to pop music I didn't know.

(987 words)

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