Chapter Fourteen

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(y/n)'s POV

I sat on the curb and slurped my slushee while JD did the same. I stared out into the parking lot and beyond, but I could feel his gaze on me. I turned to look at him, confusion clear in my expression.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, starting to wipe away imaginary crumbs. He looked panicked for a second before reaching out the gently hold my wrist, the bruised one from today's events that felt like centuries ago.

"Nope. I just already know this place too well. You, on the other hand, are still fairly new. I like getting to know people's appearances. It's pretty weird." He chuckled. I shook my head.

"I get it, dude. I do that too, but normally I do it from afar. I try not to come off as a stalker to classmates and stuff." I reassure awkwardly. He nods and offers a smile.

"How long have you been in this little town?" He asked.

"Oh, I've been here all my life. Which really sucks, since I've known most kids at Westerburg since kindergarten and now a good majority of them suck ass. Et toi?"

"Et toi?" He looked confused yet still ready to jokingly tease me.

"It means and you. I take French and try to put it to some use."

"Ah. I just got here last week. I've been all over the place though. Boston, Vegas, NYC, Chicago." He rambled and I just studied his face.

"What a place to end up, Sherwood, Ohio." I chuckle and turn back to facing the ground, setting my slushee by my side.

"I don't mind it. Less people, less expensive living, still 7-Eleven."

"Yeah, I prefer this place over the city. I hate the smell of exhaust with a burning passion." I grinned up at him, seeing as even sitting down he towered over me.

"Do you now? Some people actually enjoy it."

"I don't tell people because most people are pretty indifferent. You're actually the first person that didn't respond with 'oh cool' and change the subject."

"How is that possible?" He laughed. "People should want to know you, even with your strange opinions. You're pretty cool."

"Rad, dude." I awkwardly finger-gunned. I was not good at socializing.

Like at all.

"I should get going now. My dad may kill me if I stay out any longer." He got up, brushed himself off, and walked to a parked motorbike. He turned back after seemingly realizing something.

"You need a ride home?" He called out.

"Nah, I don't live too far. Not horrible walking distance."

"You sure?" I nodded in response.

"See you!" I called out, flashing a smile. He returned it and with that, he was on his bike and gone, and I was left to wander home.


I felt giddy from my unexpected meeting with (y/n). She talked to me, like genuinely felt comfortable talking to me! She even hugged me, and I could still fell my body tingling where she touched me. She was so kind and cool when you talk to her, it was a wonder she was a "loser" before the Bitch Brigade took her in.

I felt like I had a better understanding of who she was, which was really helpful for coming terms with some stuff.

Like the fact that I definitely had a crush on her.

I'd never really liked anyone before. So I was beyond confused. Normally I just dealt with school and left, never feeling a thing but some resentment for the students inside. But in a month when I'd leave, I knew that I'd grieve for the loss of the life I could have had with her. There was nowhere near enough time to start a relationship, especially with my shyness around her and the Chandler situation.

I needed some way to fix this shit, but I was caught under her spell, and there was no saving me. She was a siren, luring me in with her sweet song, and I'd drown out at sea if I wasn't careful. I didn't know how much I minded that though. I realized I had spaced out when I pulled into the driveway, and slapped my cheek. What a dumbass.

I made sure to stay calm and cool as I walked into the house, because I knew my dad would be home and I refused to show him weakness.

"Well you're home late." He called from the couch as I opened the door.

"I was with a friend." I responded. He nodded.

"You haven't had one of those in years. Settling down already?" He teased. It would have been nice to get this teasing from a decent parent, but from mine it just felt uncomfortable and hurtful.

"Well I wouldn't mind if we stayed in one place this time and weren't out by November." I casually responded, heading into the room.

"Well, we may or may not. Unless you're getting a steady job or they keep me here, we need to move around, Pops."

"Well, have you considered getting a different job? You don't have to stay in the de-construction business." I pointed out, keeping down my growing anger. He never listened, did he? What a lame excuse for a father I had. I was perfectly willing to get a job and save up for my own apartment if that meant staying with (y/n) longer.

"I might think about it, if you're nice." He dismissed me and went back to watching TV just as his stupid commercial came on.

I headed to my bare-bones room. No furniture besides the bed, everything was packed up to leave any day now, but we always stayed for at least two weeks so I had maybe 10 days at the least. I wished I could have just stayed and lived a damn stable life. I wished I knew how to make friends. I wished I had the means to surround myself with people. I wished Mom was still alive. I wished that (y/n) and I could just date and live our lives without the stupid complications, just teenage love that could go on forever or just end up teaching us both something for future relationships.

But no, I was the frozen guy in the trench coat and she'd go off and marry some lawyer. Or Chandler, which was a definite possibility. She'd never love me back and I'd just have to accept that.

I cried that night, and ended up missing dinner. I just wanted to fast-forward to school tomorrow to see (y/n).

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