Chapter Sixteen

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(y/n)'s POV

I looked up at my ceiling while Veronica ranted about the cute new kid and how much she wished he would just ask her out already.

"Gender roles are lame, ask him out yourself." I interjected. She gasped.

"Fuck, you're right! I should do something really cool and sweet, like a Promposal but not. Flowers?"

"Doesn't seem like a flowery guy. You could make him something, like a cheesy card?" I suggested.

"Maybe. Like 'Roses are red, Violets are blue, let's hang sometime, just me and you?" She recited. It sounded just cheesy enough to work, actually.

"Yeah, I think it'll work! You guys will be the cutest!" I rolled off my bed and somehow avoided injury. She grinned.

"I was kinda scared you liked him or something. That's a total relief. He's so great and cool." I met her eyes and smiled at her.

"Hey, wanna know something?"


"Heather Chandler kissed me yesterday." She laughed and hit my arm in excitement.

"No, dude! That's impossible! I knew she liked you but to make a move like that?! Are you guys dating?"

"Well, no... I told her I'm not ready for a relationship yet and she understood. She's really sweet when she's into you, I guess."

"Yeah, I can tell. To the rest of us she's a mythic bitch, so you're like, the luckiest person ever."

"Yeah but what if we got together and broke up? Then she'd be after me and I could die."

"Yeah but have you seen her? She's like, in love. Like super duper in love. Like she probably imagined you in a wedding gown at least once."

"We can't even get married though. 'Least officially. That shits pretty illegal."

"Informal ceremonies are cool. Plus, that's not the point. You'd be a great couple. At least think about it, okay?" She begged. We were pretty close nowadays, which was good. Much better than having no real friends at the school. Some kids who recognized me from theatre. I mainly did community theatre so nobody really talked to me at school.

"I guess, anyway. Did JD talk to you today?"

"Oh yeah! He gave me a pencil I dropped and we talked about 7-Eleven for a while! Like 5 minutes!" She gushed, punctuating with a squeal. I smiled fondly at the giddy friend in front of me. What a cinnamon roll she was, as tough as she tried to seem.

"So, when's the wedding?" I teased and she slapped my arm.

"Well, I was thinking this April..." She laughed.

"Yes, indeed, a spring wedding with cherry blossoms falling will really bring out his black trench coat."

"Ah yes, you shall be one of the bridesmaids. The other Heathers wouldn't miss the opportunity to look cute, so they shall too."

"I am so honored!" I fake-squealed. We had our solid minute of laughter before being interrupted by my mom knocking on the door.

"Hey girls! Veronica has to go home now! Just phoned her mom!" She called in. Ronnie got up and I followed to hug her.

"I'll walk you out. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Also Friday night Ram's having another party. I hear it'll be great, you going?"

"Yeah, McNamara wanted a non-drinking buddy. She felt like staying sober."

"Cool beans." We reached my door and her mom was parked outside so she headed out. I headed back upstairs to reflect on the events that happened recently. Some mega sucked, like the Ram incident, but some were so pure and lovely like kissing Heather freaking Chandler. And hanging at 7-Eleven with JD was cool too. And now thinking of 7-Eleven made me want a slushee, so I grabbed some money and pummeled down the stairs again.

"Where are you going at 6:30? Are you eating dinner with someone and you didn't tell me?" My mom questioned from the couch, sipping a floral print mug of coffee.

"Oh, yeah I totally forgot, I made plans to hang with my friend... uhh... Jason! Yeah Jason." I randomly stated, knowing my mom wouldn't be able to phone someone she didn't know and prove I was with them.

"A boy?"

"Yeah, but he's cool. Anyway I'll be off now!" I burst out the door and started speed-walking away before she could offer to drive me. I really needed to get a car soon so I didn't have to run to the 7-Eleven.

I wound up there in about 10 minutes and chuckled as I walked in. I was in a good mood, I guess. So I scanned the aisles for snacks and a slushee, which clearly was the healthiest dinner I could have had. I grabbed a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos before being startled by a voice behind me.

"And so we meet again. Greetings and salutations." JD stood behind me, smirking.

"Indeed, it seems as if our 7-Eleven schedules align nicely." I joked back.

"We should really just start planning this stuff."

"Oh absolutely. Because people plan for slushee breaks."

"Do you not?" He laughed, dramatically putting a hand over his heart.

"No, live for the now, sucker. You and your fuckin slushee." I giggled.

"Maybe, we will. Care to join us?"

"I wouldn't mind that, I guess." I jokingly sighed. We both broke into a fit of laughter over our exchange.

"But really, are you always here?" I asked, studying his face. He had pretty brown eyes, deep dimples like mine, and light freckles dotting his face. He was pretty handsome, actually.

"Most of the time, yes. But maybe I have a life and a house to go back to sometimes." He gently punched my shoulder.

"No, I thought you lived here!" I teased. He rolled his eyes, but never lost his sweet smile.

"Only on Mondays and Thursdays." He winked. I punched his shoulder in return, which was a bit of a struggle since he was a tall noodle and I was a bit on the shorter side.

"Need help there?"

"You're tall and this is unfair, I'm officially cutting off your legs."

"But what if I liked my legs?"

"You like your legs?"

"Why of course, do you not like my legs?"

"They're the worst legs I've ever seen." I chuckled, and he feigned hurt.

"My poor legs deserve better than this abuse."

"Pft, sure they do. And my ass is made of Cheeto dust." We continued like this for a while, losing track of time and even forgetting the slushees we came here for. It was a good night, and I really did wanna actually plan another one of these sometime. Hopefully soon.

(1102 words)

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