Chapter Forty-One

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(y/n)'s POV

I climbed out of the shower, grabbing a towel to dry myself off. My legs and ankles were hurting less now, so that was good.

I saw the clothes set out for me, and grinned at the soft t-shirt (that had a bit of a low-cut neckline but hey, I was only around my girlfriend anyway) and short black shorts.

I smirked as I came across a thought: what if I tried to look as hot as possible, though it would be difficult, and take our minds off the task at hand? If she didn't mind, I surely had no problem with taking this all off again.

I didn't know why I came across that thought process, but did I mind? Nope. Things were leading up to this the past few days anyway.

So I set to work, drying my hair and drying it in a manor to make it look as nice and fluffy as I wanted. I pulled the shirts as high waisted as they'd go, leaving just a sliver of my thigh actually clothed. I decided this would be enough and went down the stairs daintily. I caught her reading a book that I didn't know or care about, and came up behind her.

"Hey," I whispered softly, my breath close enough to tickle her neck.

"What do you want?" She laughed, setting the book down and looking up at me.

"Is this not turning you on whatsoever?" I pouted. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, so the goal was teasing me and stopping halfway again? Gonna have to try harder," she winked. I shook my head slightly.

"I was thinking," I paused to plant a kiss right where her shoulder and neck met. "Maybe we could use a little distraction today,"

This time, I saw her shiver a bit, but she pretended to stay firm.

"Who knew I was dating such a flirt?" She said, but I heard the drop in confidence easily, which made me grin. I walked over to the other side of the couch, positioning myself with my arms on both sides of her ankles.

"You knew what you were getting into, babe. So what do ya say, wanna go all the way?" I raised my eyebrows suggestively, and she gulped, looking at my lips, then back to my eyes. She retracted her feet, fully sitting up now.

"I sure as hell do," she whispered, before kissing me softly. She always was so gentle with me, and god I loved it. She drove me so insane in the best way physically possible.

I pushed back against her lips, hands bringing her waist closer. Closer, I needed even closer.

"We are not having our first time on the fucking couch, baby. Let's go upstairs," she whispered lowly. I nodded and grabbed her hand, eagerly dragging her up the stairs.

After we got there, she pinned me against her closed door and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"Someone's excited, hm?" She purred softly, giving me goosebumps that spread like wildfire across my arms.

I nodded, my eyes fluttering shut as I felt her lips attack my neck, somehow forceful yet gentle. I knew her lipstick would stain the skin on my neck, and that only got me more excited. Let people know I'm hers and she's mine, I don't care. The sensation was fantastic.

I let out a low, tiny moan and immediately blushed in embarrassment, despite that probably being her goal. I bit my lip to prevent myself from doing that again.

I felt her lips leave my neck and once again we were face to face. She leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose, her own face lightly tinged pink.

"Don't you dare bite that pretty little lip, baby. I want to hear you," she whispered, kissing my temple before going back to work.

I nodded, and promptly let out a louder moan when she found my sweet spot and started to nibble at it.

"Oh, ya like that, hm?" She whispered against my neck. I just moaned out a reply, I couldn't speak. The pleasure was good, something I'd never felt before. In the foggy haze of lust, all I knew was that I wanted Heather, and that we had to get to that bed soon or she'd be fucking me against the door.

"Heather... your... room..." I whispered breathily. She nodded and gently pushed me to the side so she could open the door, and set her hands on the back of my thighs.

"Jump," She whispered huskily, and I obeyed, wrapping my legs around her waist. She carried me to the bed and gently threw me down, my legs swinging off the side. She chuckled a little bit and how undone I was for her already.

I leaned upward and connected our lips, but this time the kiss felt different. It was rough and passionate, and more than a little sloppy. I pulled her down on top of me, and she adjusted so she was straddling me. My hands pulled her head closer, entwining with her soft hair, while she was pinning me down.

She started to grind down on me gently, reluctantly, even though I was the one who initiated all of this. I moaned quietly and she smiled.

"Is this okay?" She asked lowly, doing it just a bit harder. I nodded desperately.

"Fuck yeah," I managed to moan out. She grinned.

"Then let's get started, shall we?"

(916 words)

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