Pt. 2

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Jimins pov:

"Yah what's so important that you have to wake me up?" I asked again since he didn't answer the first time. He seemed to be fixated on something, "Did you butt dial me again...Aish I swear..." I mumbled and was about to hang when he suddenly spoke up, "No! No, I didn't, call the others and meet me at my dads penthouse by 1:00 pm, he won't be here he's on a business trip and I have to watch over his house for him." Taehyung spoke fastly, "ok, but why do-" I was cut short with the sound the other line cutting off, 'Aish..' I thought, I got up and grabbed a pair of jeans I found laying around, and a silk sea blue button up shirt and threw it on along with fixing my messy hair. I called the hyungs and told them about what Tae wanted us to do, "sound urgent" Jin softly said to me from the other line, "better be."  I mumbled, "he woke me up" I added on, "well it is pretty early, I think he has a good reasoning" Jin said, "ok, well ima let you go, see you at 1" I sighed out and we hung up.

{TimeSkip to 1:00pm}
3rd person pov:

Soon everyone was at the penthouse, "what is it Taehyung" Yoongi said while sitting down with his morning coffee. "I found this website called 'Hybrid Online Adoption' and you know how we always wanted one correct?" Tae said, they all hummed in agreement intrigued about this new thing spewing from Tae's lips, "well, maybe this is our chance to actually get one!" Tae said, "I already got one, he'll be ready to be picked up tomorrow!" Tae added on smiling. "Oh...jinjja?" Jin said.(no hate, jinjja means really in Korean. I don't know how to fully spell it so no hate plz) 
Taehyung nodded excitedly, shoving the computer screen into the men's faces. "Ah, but where will you get him?" Jimin questioned. "Oh, from this spot two blocks away. Maybe y'all can find the desired animal you want!" Taehyung offered, each boy looked at the title and searched it on their phones, "I found one." Jin said smiling. "Kim Namjoon, age unknown, sex, Male, husky Hybrid. Highly intelligent, catches onto things quickly" Jin said out loud. Taehyung cheered and danced around, "were finally getting Hybrids" Tae kept on chanting that over and over in a sing song voice. Jimin chuckled. "Found one too" Yoongi said, staring at his screen intensely, "Jung Hoseok, age, unknown, sex, male, Pomeranian Hybrid, very bubbly and chirpy all the time, very nice" Yoongi mumbled loud enough for them to hear, "good. You need a little sunshine In your grumpy, moody life" Jin jokes, causing the two younger boys to cackle and snicker. Yoongi rolled his eyes. "How about you Jiminie?" Tae said happily, "I haven't found one that piqued my interest yet." Jimin inquired. The short male ruffled his own hair staring at the screen. Specifically Jimin wanted a cat Hybrid, but a female one. Jimin sighed and looked at them. "I'll find one soon. Hey, when will you get yours?" Jimin questioned to the two older males in the house. "In two days" they said in sync. "Oh that's cool." Taehyung said while grabbing the house phone. "Want some pizza?" Tae questioned his hyungs. "Yes!" They all shouted.

"Yah!!! Give me my pillow back!!" Jimin whined, Taehyung was laughing at him and smiling. "Never!!" He said and ran off. "Aish.." Jimin said while smiling, dusting off the nonexistent dust from his pants and began to chase the youngest in the house. "Give it back!!" Jimin shouted and pinned Taehyung against the wall. "Jimin..?" Taehyung said softly. Jimin didn't know why but Tae's chocolate eyes were so captivating, Jimins eyes wavered down to Tae's lips. "Jimin.." Tae mumbled his hyungs name. They blushed deeply. Jimin leaned in and Taehyung closed his eyes. "PIZZA'S HERE!!" They heard Jin scream, breaking the heated tension between the two. Jimin looked down still registering what he was about to do to his childhood friend, while Taehyung was a blushing mess. They both ran down stares faking a smile to not concern their hyung.

'What just happened' they both thought.

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