Y/n and her new friend!

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(A/n- double update and maybe more for my patient readers. Thank you so much and I'll make sure all of them are perfect just for all of you! Enjoy!!!)

Authors pov: (wassup gummies)

Y/n wanted to go to the park very badly. She's never been to one and all she's ever heard about it is how fun it is. "Hey, why couldn't Yoongi and Jin come?" Y/n asked. "Because they're getting Hybrids as well. So you might get to have two new Hybrid friends today!" Jimin exclaimed happily to Y/n.

Y/n's eyes lit up in pure joy as she did another little goofy, happy dance while humming a nice tune. The boys laughed at her, happy that she's better, yes Taehyung told Jimin about what happened on their way downstairs. That's why Jimin acted so cold towards Yura.

The boys decided to take Y/n to a special Hybrid park so she could make some friends besides Jungkook who seemed to ditch her for Yura.

"We're here!" Taehyung said while getting out and opening the door for Y/n and Jimin, causing the smaller male to blush and shy away. Y/n smiled gratefully and thanked him before excitedly running to the park squealing like little child who just found five bucks. The boys stared at her lovingly.

Jimin really thought of her as his own child, he wanted to protect her from any harm or bad thing that could happen. But at the same time he wanted her to try and learn new things, raise her to be a strong independent woman. So from this day on that's what Jimin promised to do.

Taehyung thought of Y/n as an innocent child in an adult body, to innocent, kind, and pure for this world. Shy and very polite. Not a single bit of negativity in her heart. Taehyung thought of Y/n just like he thought of Jungkook. He thought of her as his own child. So he promised to protect her from now on.

Y/n happily skipped her way into the park and seen many other Hybrids playing happily as well, or some resting peacefully with their owner. She smiled and looked at the swings and ran towards it. She began to sit on it.

'Now what?' She thought to herself as the strange seat creaked softly as she sat. She turned her head towards her right and seen a happy dog Hybrid rock his feet back in forth using his upper body to lean along with his movements, causing him to swing forwards then backwards. So Y/n copied the movement, causing her to fly forward as well.

It frightened her. She whimpered in fear as she tried to get off but ended up falling backwards and hitting her head on a sharp peace of mulch and twist her ankle roughly. She screamed in pain, her ears twitching madly as she whimpered and cried.

And it definitely did not go unnoticed by Tae and Jimin who were peacefully conversing to each other until they recognize
her scream.

Jimin was the first to bolt quickly towards her with Taehyung hot on his tail, they kneeled down and helped up the crying Hybrid who limped her way to a bench on the far side of park. "What happened?" Jimin softly said to the hurt Hybrid.

"I-I fell and hurt my head and knee! I fell off of that thingie." Y/n whispered as she pointed towards a swing. "Oh..ok sweety im right here, your safe now." Jimin comforted her while hugging her. Taehyung left to a store to get a bag of ice.

Suddenly Jimins phone rang 'bang bang bang' by Big Bang, indicating he is getting a call from Jin. Blushing shyly, he politely stepped out the park and answered the phone call. Leaving Y/n all alone.

Suddenly a Tiger Hybrid made its way in front of the frowning Y/n and waved at her nicely. The Hybrid smiled at Y/n, "Hi! I'm Min-Seo!" The girl Hybrid said with a kind smile that soon turned into a frown when she seen Y/n with dried tear stains on her cheeks, glassy eyes, and puffy cheeks, added along with a frown.

"Hi...I'm Y/n.." the cat said shyly.

"Aigoo, are you ok Y/n-ah?" Min-Seo said softly while sitting by the hurt Hybrid.

Y/n teared up as she started recalling today's events, venting to Min-Seo from how her only friend Jungkook ditched her for the girl, Yura, then getting hurt on the swings, to being all left alone in pain physically and mentally.

Min-Seo frowned but then smiled brightly. "I can be your friend! Forget that rude boy, he doesn't know who he just ditched. And it's ok, with time, things will heal, even your head and ankle!" Min-Seo cheerfully said while hugging Y/n.

Y/n smiled in content, happy that she made a new friend, so hugging her back, she thanked Min-Seo for being so kind.

"Anything for my new friend! Remember you can come to me for anything, I promise ill be a good friend!"

"Thank you! I feel better already, Min-Seo!" Y/n cheered.

By now Taehyung was already back and Jimin was done with the phone call, and they were cooing at the adorable scene getting played
In front of them. "Oh my gosh I'm gonna die" Taehyung squealed. "Nooooo! I need you Tae!" Jimin whined while hugging the boy. Taehyung blushed and held the other. "I do too Hyung" Tae said smiling softly at the smaller male.

"Will you two cut it out? I wanna introduce y'all and Y/n to the new additions."

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