Bright Stars-Dark Moments

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Cups either half way full or empty with little droplets of Soju were sprawled out everywhere.

Y/n and Jungkook were still awake sitting their looking at all the others. Out like a light on the floor.

"Wanna steal the car?"

"For real?"



Y/n replied after answering his question with a question. Soon after Jungkook and Y/n both grabbed their hoodies and walked out. Yoongi laying all over Hoseok practically squishing the Hybrid under him, but he enjoyed the warmth.

Namjoon and in his neatly folded and soft sleeping bag, holding Jin in his arms.

And Taehyung and Jimin were both sleeping soundly on the floor with their legs tangled together and faces centimeters away.

Y/n remembered to care for the people who care for her. So she waddled her way back in, struggling to get her hands out of the oversized jacket and grabbed a red velvet cotton soft blanket from their pantry in the hall way.

She walked over to the two boys on the floor, throwing the blanket softly onto their cold bodies, and kissed both of their foreheads. And she did that to the rest except for Yura and Jackson who were in weird positions.

Yura being face down butt up in the air, suffocating herself in the couch. Jackson was laying upside-down on the couch,  near Yura's-....bottom... drool leaking downside his cheek.

"Goodnight boys." Y/n whispered and walked out the door to Jungkook who was sitting on the hood of the car staring up at the night sky with dreamy eyes- slightly smiling, eyes twinkling in reply to the stars who were also softly twinkling back.

Y/n sat their smiling softly at the boy with bunny ears. Speaking of ears, Jungkook heard Y/n walking so he turned around smiling. "Y/n-ah, look at the stars!" He exclaimed. Y/n smiled and looked up, ears twitching with joy as the stars lit their night up along with the moon.

Jungkook intertwined his and Y/n's little hand, walking her to the car as she continued to stare. "Y/n I want to take you somewhere. Back when we used to live at the adoption center, I used to go their all the time if I was sad or needed to relax." He said in a hushed voice as he opened the car door for Y/n and got in the drivers side himself.

"Do you know how to drive Kook?" Y/n questioned him, arching her eyebrow at him. "Tae Hyung taught me last week." Jungkook said happily. He started the engine and began driving in an empty road, in woods.

Y/n held her tail in her hands, alittle nervous since she didn't know where they were going. "Come, lay on my lap Y/n-ah, the drive is alittle long." He stated, he grabbed his phone out that Taehyung bought for him to stay in contact and put on some youtube, putting on a video of an old movie of Alice And Wonderland.

Y/n formed into her kitten form and layed in a small ball form on Jungkooks thigh, watching the video with interest.

Soon after about thirty minutes Y/n was sleeping soundly on Jungkooks lap. He smiled looking at her little animal form, Jungkook grabbed his phone and turned it off. He pat Y/n softly behind the ears, purrs erupting from her sleeping form.

Once he looked back up, it was too late.

-sorry this is such a short chapter, I am in the middle if getting a new phone so once I get my data and ect transferred to the new phone, I won't be able to update. So I thought I would give y'all an update early and give some suspense haha- love you guys, thank you for all the nice words and support! I will be getting the stuff done today so maybe i'll update today! Bye love y'all!❤️💜💕🙌🏼

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