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"Where am I?" Y/n softly spoke, rubbing her eyes, yawning softly. "Oh! Your awake~~ thank god your ok!" Jin squealed in relief, running up and tightly hugging her, his arms securing her all around.

"W-where's Kookie?!" Y/n suddenly shouts, Jungkook hops his way to her bed, having a huge struggle to get on the bed. Yoongi walks up and chuckles, "rascal.." Yoongi mumbles, lifting up the bunny, laying him softly on Y/n's lap.

"Oh! Kookie! Thank god you're ok! I was worried that I didn't block you well enough." Y/n whimpered our, tears falling from her eyes like a water fall. Kook nuzzled his way to her stomach, rubbing his nose against her in a comforting manner. Suddenly Y/n's soft cat-like eyes narrowed, pupils thinning like a cat ready to pounce on its prey.

"We need to leave." Y/n growls, Jin and Namjoon both try to sit Y/n back down on the bed, while she struggled to get up and leave, not noticing that she's naked underneath her hospital dress. "We need to-"

"Why?!" Someone suddenly yells, everyone jumps slightly, and whips their heads to the door so fast they thought they got whiplash. "Jiminie.." Y/n mutters in shock.

"I-I.. sorry little one, I didn't mean to yell, but you can't go all crazy mama cat on us like that all of a sudden." Jimin spoke softly, walking up to his kitten. Y/n's ears softly flickered around, her tail securely wrapped over Jungkook in a protective manner. "Why do we need to go princess?" Jimin asks, sitting on the edge of the bed, clasping Y/n's little hands in his.

Taehyung scoffed and walked out, earning confused looks from the others as he walked out talking to someone on the phone.

"I know who caused this."

~two days later~

"Ok princess we're out the hospital and your all better!" Jimin said, Hoseok walking beside Y/n, making sure that the little kitten stays in everyone's eye sight.

"So..about what happened." Jimin began, "what do you mean you know who did it." He finished off, looking at her with concern.

"I mean what I said." Y/n said bluntly. Jungkook walked up behind them, and wrapped his arms around her delicate waists, laying his head on her shoulder as they walked down the sidewalk to there house. "Ok then, who was it?" Jimin asked, this time everyone had their ears open.

"Yura and Jackson." Y/n whimpered.

Truth be told, Y/n felt hurt, she thought Jackson would be her new friend, not her new predator. "Jungkook.. watch over our little one, me and the rest need to talk." Jimin said, suddenly becoming very serious and dark. Everything about him screamed 'run'. Anger practically leaked from him, venom seeping out as he spoke.

"Boys. Living room now. It's time that b**** learned a lesson or two about messing with my family." Jimin hissed as he stomped his way over to the living room. The boys and there hybrids exchanged worried glances, but Taehyung just walked in, not caring.

"What." Taehyung deadpanned.

"Don't 'what' me, just sit down and listen."

Jimin hissed, this time it was Taehyungs turn to get scared, he's never seen Jimin this mad before to the point where he'd rudely command one of his friends to sit. So Taehyung quietly sat down, looking at his Hyung in concern and shock. Jin heard what happened and walked in, "hey! What was tha-"

"I don't have time to hear you get angry about some petty respect for people who don't deserve it! This is serious." Jimin cut him off, his tolerance running thinner and thinner by the second. He was practically shaking with rage. He never thought in his life time, someone such as Yura would stoop that low as to even harming someone over a boy.

Not just someone but someone he loves and cares for like his own child. Rage was literally circling him, and he sat patiently waiting for the rest.

As for Kook and Y/n, they went into Jimins room and cuddled each other to sleep in there animal form. "Kookie..did I do something wrong..?" Y/n quietly muttered to him, softly nuzzling her head under his chin. "No no, he just has to make things right so your more safe and around the right people." Jungkook whispered back, yawning and trying to go back to sleep.

"KIM YURA AND THAT DOG BOY TRIED TO KILL OUR BABIES?!" Taehyung screeched. Tears already spewing from his eyes. He felt betrayed and angry, confused and so much more that he didn't even know what to do or say.

Suddenly they heard little pitter patter of feet running along the stairs and down the hall, "I-I heard yelling from Tae Tae. Is he ok?" Y/n stuttered out, as she rubbed her puffy eyes from sleeping. She looked at Taehyung and immediately ran towards him, softly rubbing underneath his swollen blood-shot red eyes, stopping the tears. Somehow Taehyung immediately calmed down, leaning into the kittens feather like soft touch.

"I-I'm ok now thank you Little Angel." Taehyung whimpered out, petting the girl on her head.

"Heyyy boys! I forgot my bag here-"

It's Yura.

"YOU!! Y-YOU TRIED TO KILL ME AND KOOKIE!! You witch!" Y/n suddenly screamed. Her fangs out on full display, her airs twitching uncontrollably, her tail whipping around back and forth, claws seeping out and accidentally cutting Tae under his eye on his upper cheek. "Ouch.." Taehyung whimpered, backing up fastly, scared to be around the raging hybrid in front of him.

Jimin stood carefully, "Y-Y/n...calm down princess-"

"Not now, Park. Jimin."

"I-I...what are you talking about?! Look, boys! See? She's evil! She's accusing me of something I never did!" Yura cried out, making tears fall on command, Y/n raged even more, charging straight at Yura.



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