Yura is back

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"Kim Yura pay attention or detention for you!" Mr. Bowang yelled. I hate his class. So lame. I wonder what Kookie Oppa is doing?



"Psst- Yura~!"

"WHAT?!" I whisper yelled at Jackson. "Hey" he said smiling sheepishly. I rolled my eyes and went back to look at my phone. Kookie Oppa still hasn't replied to my texts! It's because of that street cat Y/n or whatever her name is.

I need to get rid of her.



"Yes Yura?" Jackson replied.

"I need alittle favor, meet me behind the building after school." I whispered. "Ok" he replied smiling like an idiot.

'Stupid retard.' I thought as I rolled my eyes, texting Jungkook Oppa a few more times before I give in.

"This will be my sixteenth time Oppa, once I get that cat away, your mine" I spoke to myself smirking..

'And maybe even the other Oppas too!' I smiled at that. I'll get what I want and street cat will be alone! Hah.

Jungkook and Y/n were currently laughing at a joke they made about cheese while Jimin and Taehyung were glancing at each other blushing every time their eyes met as they watched the movie. Yoongi was softly petting Hoseok on the head as his fluffy tail wagged happily as he slept soundly. Jin was scolding Namjoon who was currently hiding in his husky form, for breaking the bathroom door handle for the fourth time today. And Yura? Silently waiting for her plan to take action.

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